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"Well...do you need to talk about anything with your father?"

"Why?" Todoroki asked, looking down at the ground.

"Just...if you need a shoulder to cry on or something...I'm here for you." Midoriya said, staring at Todoroki's eyes.

"Okay. My dad would abuse me and my mother..." Todoroki pronounced. He stared down at Midoriya, his vision dragging with every blink he made, and every attempt to stay awake. It was 12P.M, so no wonder he was so tired. His body ached from all of the skating, and the competition was on Monday. Two more days.

"Okay, Todoroki. I think you've had enough for one day. Why don't you get some sleep?" Midoriya said, helping Todoroki stand up.

"You win again." Todoroki vocalized with a smile.


There was no Todoroki when Midoriya awoke at 9P.M. he went straight to the refrigerator, and a note in red ink was held with a rainbow magnet.

Midoriya and Bakugo,

I left for a while. I'll be back before dark. Don't worry, I'm okay.


Midoriya put the note down on the counter, knowing exactly where he was: the skating rink. He was debating on if he should go there, or give him the space he needed. He decided to go sneak there to see what he was doing. If he were there, he would need Midoriya to help, since he was the second of the pair.

He drove down to Cross Milton Skating Rink, and walked to the top of the stadium, slouching low in the seat so he wouldn't be spotted. Todoroki was laying in the middle of the rink, the rose in his mouth. The air was chilling and Midoriya didn't come prepared for a jacket.

Midoriya could see the frost coming out of Todoroki's peppermint breath, his air blending in with the frost of the rink. He looked peaceful, relaxed, and worried. He worried that his father would do something to him, he felt bad about the panic attack that he didn't mean to cause. He looked peaceful, but his mind raced with all kinds of different scenarios his father or himself might cause.

"I know you're up there, Midoriya." Todoroki stated, not opening his eyes. Midoriya blushed and walked slowly down the stadium, his eyes glued to Todoroki. He stopped at the gate, waiting for what might happen next.

"Do you need anything?" Todoroki asked, sitting up.

"No, I just wanted to check in on you. I mean, I want to fix you." Midoriya had sad eyes because he knew what Todoroki's father was capable of, and what might happen if he ignored his father's wishes. He didn't like to see Todoroki in pain.

"Fix me?" Todoroki chuckled.

"I am trying to fix myself. To be calm again. I used to lay here day and night to learn how to stay calm. I used to get so out of control, that I would hurt people with my quirk. That's why I want to be a hero. So I don't hurt people again." Midoriya looked surprised at what he didn't know about Todoroki.

"I'm sorry, Todoroki. I didn't know. I'll leave." Midoriya said as he stood up and headed for the exit.

"Wait. I enjoy your company, Izuku." Todoroki announced, blushing a faint red that almost matched his scar.

"Are you in pain?" Midoriya said, sitting next to Todoroki. They looked each other in the eye.

"No, Midoriya. It's just that I can't help what happens to me. I feel insane sometimes." Todoroki held the white rose firmly in his hands, like it was the life he wouldn't let go of. Midoriya only smiled lightly watching the rose as Todoroki twirled it in his hands.

Todoroki on IceWhere stories live. Discover now