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"Midoriya, let's skate." Todoroki said. They skated, hands together, Todoroki leading Midoriya into what they would present to the judges. Todoroki held Midoriya horizontally above his head, spinning gracefully, the routine coming to an end.

"That was it? It was so graceful and light." Midoriya said, catching his breath.

"Yeah, it makes you feel...free. Like there are no worries or anything." Todoroki said, putting his hands on knees.

"Let's go home. It's getting late." Midoriya said, holding Todoroki's hand.

"Alright." Todoroki said, smiling a faint smile.


When they arrived home, Bakugo was asleep in a chair, his head on his arm.

"Bakugo?" Midoriya shook Bakugo gently, and he stirred, half asleep.

"Yeah?" Bakugo said, rubbing his eyes.

"Come over here." Midoriya grabbed his hand and walked him to the bed. He plopped down, and went back to sleep.

"He's pretty funny and cute when he's asleep." Todoroki said as Midoriya snickered.

"Let's go to sleep. I'm tired." Midoriya said, laughing as he scratched the back of his hair.

"Okay. We can do that." Todoroki said, climbing it the bed with Midoriya.


Todoroki woke up at about 4A.M. He slipped Midoriya off of his chest and walked outside. He sat on the cold steps, the mid-morning air being seen when he exhaled. He looked off into the fading moon, astonished by the many colors of the night: blacks, yellows, and dark blues. It was a breathtaking scene, even though the sunrise would be more astonishing.


Todoroki looked off into the morning sky, and he didn't realize he had been amazed for two hours. The sun started to rise, colors in shades of pinks, yellows, purples, and blues, eventually turning towards the sun. The sun was covered by a wisp of clouds, looking like a cotton ball had been stretched in the distance. Midoriya walking behind Todoroki, his hair ruffled.

"Hey, Todoroki." Midoriya said.

"Hey, Izuku." Todoroki said, looking in a trance at the bright colors of what he realized was the sky.

"Want to go skate later? If you don't want to, that's okay." Todoroki asked, as he stared off into the morning. The birds were chirping, and the air was a slight chill. Something in the air said it would be a good day.

"Yeah. It sounds like fun." Midoriya said happily.

"Alright then. Let's get ready." Todoroki smiled and as they entered the room, he handed Midoriya a white and blue leotard with matching skates. Todoroki and Midoriya looked like twins wearing the same outfit as they drove to the magnificent skating rink.


Todoroki was the first on the rink, then Midoriya, skating freely on the rink, ice shards flying. They grabbed each other's hand, and Todoroki led Midoriya through the rink. Then, Todoroki did a scorpion and spun around. He went into a needle and grabbed Midoriya's hand, not being quite as flexible as Todoroki. They practiced up on their routine for the judges occurring this month: December. The snow had already started to fall on the two, but they only spun, gracefully, around each other, holding hands. Midoriya hadn't realized that Todoroki had a bright red rose in his mouth, the pedals falling ever so lightly to the frosty rink. They held hands, skating in a perfect circle, gazing into each other's eyes. It was a perfect moment. Todoroki leaned into Midoriya and kissed him gently, the rose still held firmly in his mouth. He was the first to break the loud silence.

Todoroki on IceWhere stories live. Discover now