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Todoroki trudged to class the next day, tripping over his clumsy self. The class was talking quietly, but stopped when they saw him. They all stared as he sat at his desk, an emotion that they recognized, but couldn't quite place it down. They all walked to the back of the room, and talked even more quietly, just as he put his head on his desk with a sigh. But something about his sigh was different about it.

"I want to help him, but he's refusing. Is he okay from what his dad did? I'm worried about him." Denki said, worry crossing his face.

"I want to help him, too. He is okay from his dad. We took him to the ER." Bakugo said in a quiet tone. Todoroki started to read his manga, his face maintaining his straight emotion. The class locked worried eyes on Todoroki, his face never changing. He stood up and sighed deeply.

"What do you want? There is clearly something you are hiding." Todoroki sounded aggravated, frustrated that something was up, and it was about him.

"O-oh nothing, Todoroki. It's just that your birthday is coming up, and-" Denki was caught off.

"I don't want anything. I'm not coming anyway. I know that's not all." Todoroki pushed, staring a death stare at him.

"Alright, Shoto. We want to help you. You say you are better, but you clearly aren't." Bakugo stated boldly. Todoroki sighed, almost forcing himself to remain calm.

"It's just that I'm tired, Kacchan. I haven't been sleeping very well..." Bakugo and the rest of the class stared at Todoroki, seeing the purple dyed under his eyes, his pale skin revealing his veins, and his eyes twitching lightly.

"I'm sorry, Todoroki."

"It's fine. I am doing better, honest." Todoroki yawned, putting his head on his desk. He closed his eyes, begging for sleep.

"Why haven't you been sleeping?" Midoriya asked curiously, Todoroki opening his tiresome eyes.

"I don't know. I mean, I feel tired by the end of the day, but when I go to bed, I feel wide awake." Todoroki explained as he lifted his head.

"Alright, settle down." Mr. Aizawa said, falling to the ground in his usual yellow sleeping bag.

"You can do whatever for today." He said, falling asleep on the cold ground. Todoroki closed his eyes again, resting his head on his forearm, and falling asleep facing the desk.


"Todoroki, wake up." He could hear Midoriya talking to him, hearing the rest of the class filing out, the three usual ones left.

"I'll carry you, Shoto." Bakugo said, lifting him up as Midoriya carried his bags home.

"I can walk." Todoroki said in a husky tone. After 15 minutes of waiting, Bakugo decided to carry the unmoved Todoroki.

"What are you doing?" Todoroki said, not bothering to resist.

"Carrying you." Bakugo said, looking down at Todoroki, his face pale. He sat him down in the passenger's side of the car, driving him to the apartment, Todoroki sitting down on the steps.

"Are you okay? You look sick." Midoriya put a hand on his forehead, examining him carefully.

"Just tired." Todoroki answered quietly. They all walked inside, Todoroki plopping down on the bed face first.

"Todoroki? You haven't eaten all day." Midoriya said, calling his name.

"Why are you ignoring Midoriya?" Bakugo yelled, throwing a pillow at him. He shook him angrily, Midoriya rushing over.

Todoroki on IceWhere stories live. Discover now