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I woke up and got ready to go to the air port with gray and e. I put on an oversized sweater, and black leggings. I put my hair in a messy bun, and packed my suite cases for Coachella. I packed the black outfit Ethan liked aha, a green one, and one with rainbow pants and a black top that looked like a bikini top. I also put hair spray, body glitter, deodorant, perfume, makeup, a toothbrush, along with toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a hair brush in my suite case.
"E." I said snacking Ethans body lightly, trying to wake him up, "get ready, we need to leave soon!" I said softly kissing his forehead.
"Huh," He said in a morning voice. His eyes were drifting off again, but I threw underwear on him.
"You're still naked," I said with a giggle, "get dressed," I said with a huge smile on my face.
"I wish that I was awake before you so I could see you naked." He said having a dorky smile, arching his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.
"I'll go wake gray up, k?" I said kissing his cheek.
"K, love you Emmo." He said rubbing his hand on my back.

I walk in Grayson's room.
"Gray, get up, we need to leave really soon!" I said going through his closet, fining an outfit for him.
"Okayyy.." He said less stubborn than Ethan, since Grayson is more of a morning person.
He got up and put the clothes on. I pick up the clothes that he just threw on the floor, that he was wearing for the night, and put them in his hamper for him.
He got up from his bed with his eyes wide. I turn around. "What!?" I say confused.
"N-nothing." He said looking at the closet, slowly walking to it.
I look at the closet to see a machine that technically jerks you off, so you don't have to yourself.
I laugh. "It's fine, nothing for you to be ashamed of, everyone masturbates. Besides, I fucked your brother last night." I say walking out of the room, throwing him a peace sign.

We all climbed in the car, gray driving, me and Ethan in the back. He put his head on my shoulder, and I smiled. I put my hand on his inner thigh, rubbing slow circles on his thigh. He knew exactly what I was doing. I see him grow bigger. I smirk, and blush. I put my hand on his dick, and palm him slow. He looks down, and grunts. Grayson had the music on, so he was distracted by that, and the road. He curls his toes, and grunts. I start to go faster. He lets out a small moan.
"Emma.." he softly moans with his eyes closed. "Faster."
I listened, and went faster. He puts his head deeper in my shoulder, and bites his lip.
"Fuck yes b-" he says putting his arm around my body, making me go rougher. He then reaches his climax, and comes in his pants. He tied his sweater around his waist so it wasn't noticeable.
"I'm pleasuring you later, trust me baby girl." He whispers in my ear as we pull up at the air port.

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