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this is a shorter chapter, and has no smut. but still read it so it makes since for the next chapter :)

"baby i'm home!" ethan yelled with excitement in his voice. "we need to talk. it's not bad don't worry, come down here!!"

i looked at grayson with fear in my eyes, i could tell he was scared too. i could feel his heart racing in his chest.
i couldn't say a word. i didn't wanna sound out of breath or suspicious. i just stood there. tears were filling up my eyes knowing what i did was so fucking wrong. memories i had with ethan popped up in my head. i didn't love ethan just for sex, but his personality.
i slowly moved out of grayson's bed, and slid my clothes on.
"emma? what the fuck? you can't just leave like that and act like nothing happened! if ethan never came in the door, you would still be fucking me!" grayson yelled, fixing his posture, leaning on one arm.

"you're right, but with him coming in the door made me realize how stupid i was to fuck you in the first place. it all feels so wrong! ugh that was so dumb of me! i'm just a slut." i say as tears run down my eyes.

"no emma, you're not. it's just confusing. it's my fault.. i shouldn't have had my porn up so loud, and i should've kept a blanket over me. maybe i shouldn't have jerked off in the first place..."

it went silent for a minute, then ethan yelled again. "emmo? you alright?" he yelled up the stairs, while walking up. "do you need help with anything? just know i'm here for you. always. i will never stop caring for you! just tell me if you're okay. you would usually be down here in my arms right now." he said with a shaky voice, getting closer to his room. to check on me while i was "editing"

"grayson! put clothes on!" i whisper to him, throwing him the clothes that i assumed was his from before he got naked, since it was the only clothes on the ground.
he just stood there.
i raised an eyebrow. "quick! are you insane?! if he sees you naked, with me in here with you, i won't be the only one getting yelled at!" i said panicking. "for the love of god, come on!" i say to him slapping his chest. he eyeballed me weird, and slowly put his clothes on.
i re-did my pony tail to make it seem fresh.

he opened grayson's door. "emma?" he said looking at me, and then at grayson with only a shirt on.

i stared at ethan, he had a jewelry bag in his hand. i loose my breath. everything feels like a dream, but it's not, it's the fuck up that we call life.

"holy shit..." ethan says, tearing up, finding out what happened. he then ran out the door.

"nice job emma, you made him hate us both!" grayson said with a sarcastic smile.
"i- i can't believe myself... not only did i ruin ethan and i's relationship, but i also ruined yours.." i said putting my hands over my face, crying. "oh i'm a fucker." i say, balling at this point.
grayson has no response.

i walk over to the jewelry store bag that was on the ground.
it was a ring, but not a wedding ring...a promise ring.
there was also a note attached to the box that had the ring in it. it read:

emma. you mean the absolute world to me. i know we are too young to get married, so i bought us promise rings! it is a step up in our relationship, i think. so would you take this promise ring and promise me that we can trust each other through anything, and we keep no secrets from each other. i know, i know, sorta cringe but i just really love you and really hope to get to marry you one day. also i was thinking that we should tell the fans soon. what do you think? anyways, emma frances chamberlain, i hope that we can spend as long as possible with each other, and continue to make each other laugh, smile, feel loved, and feel pleaser all the time ;) but really, i love you so much and i never want us to end. ❤️

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