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I was setting up to film a q&a video on my channel . Then I heard my front door open. It was Ethan. He was smiling more than ever.
"Hey baby girl." Ethan said grinning, placing the bag he had in his hand on the counter, in front of the camera.
"Hey e. Is it important? I'm filming soon." I say kissing his nose.
"Yes. Very." He said winking.
I nod, opening the bag. Then I saw it.
A huge dildo. It was so big. I mean, I thought Ethan was big, but this was like 14 inches..
I gasp, as blush rushes to my cheeks.
"We're using it right now." He says, cupping my face. I not slowly, kinda worried because of the size.
"It's gonna hurt though." I said so nervous.
"Only at first. Like always." He said running his thumb over my cheek.
I nod, eyeing the dildo. "Okay.." I whisper. "I'm ready."

He grabs the lube, and smears it on the dildo. He then slowly put it in my entrance. I gasp at the pain, covering my mouth with my hand.
"Shhh" Ethan said kissing my breast. He then moved the pace, and I started feeling pleasure.
"Uh" I groaned closing my eyes. "Fuck." I moaned.
Ethan then went down to my pussy and sucked on my clit.
"Ahhh! Fuck!" I yell, grabbing on to Ethans hair. "Harder please!" I request.
He licked me faster, and pumped the dildo in me harder, and faster.
I felt my high coming, but I wanted this moment to last longer.
"ETHAN YESSS!!" I scream, tugging his hair harder. "DADDY!" I screamed. I knew Ethan had a daddy kink. I think everyone knew that.
He then licked faster, while pumping the dildo even faster and harder than before.
I was then crying at the pleaser, curling my toes.
I then came all over Ethan. He licked me all up. I then drifted off to sleep slowly, with Ethan by my side.

That video can wait.

-sorry this one is so short! Please give ideas of what I should write about! :)

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