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i went in ethans room where he ran off too. he was laying on his side, facing the wall. i was so nervous, what do i say? i don't know. i just want to apologize to him for breaking his heart. i could hear my heart beating in my ears. i sighed. then i went for it.

"ethan?" i said, instantly regretting it. he turned around slowly. he looked at me up and down, then got up from his bed.

he walked up to me. my heart was racing so fucking fast. he then smirked, and raised one eyebrow. i was confused as hell, but it was hot.

"emma." he said cupping my face, "you messed up. but i want to prove you something."
i was so nervous. what does he mean?
"o-okay..." i say looking at his dick. he was hard, why would he be?
he grinned and slightly bit his lower lip.

he slammed me against the wall roughly. "i wanna show you that I AM better than grayson. that i can pleasure you better than grayson." he said kissing down my neck.
"holy shit." i thought.

he picked me up and placed me on the bed. "lay down babygirl." he said looking at my breasts through my shirt. i did as he asked, and lied down. he slid my shorts off, then he slid my underwear off. he went on his knees and slowly licked my clit. "mmm" i slightly moaned.
"shh. try to moan quiet baby" he said looking up at me, winking. he then licked my core, and she stuck his tongue in me so deep. he grabbed onto my thighs so he could go even deeper.
"oh shit fuck. deeper ethan!" i moan, trying to be quiet as he told me to.
"what's my name baby?" he said slowly going up to my face.
"ethan..." i say confused.
he choked me. "no what is it."
"daddy," i managed to get out.
"right." he says pulling his pants off. "that's what you're gonna call me now." he says throwing his pants on the ground.
i nod, touching his dick through his underwear. he then looked at me, then slapped my hand away.
"i'm in control, and trust me, it will feel so fucking good, the best you'll feel." he said slipping his underwear off.
i panted and smirked.
he climbed over me, then he then took my shirt off, then my bra. he started kissing my stomach.

he slid his dick in me with no warning, and he slammed in hard.
"uhh yes fuck." i whimper, trying not to moan too loud.
he didn't have protection on. "ethan! a condom!" i say looking in his eyes. he then grabbed me neck. "shhh it's okay. we don't need one" he said panting a bit.
he then fucked me so hard and fast, while chocking me. he kissed my lips, and then he used his free hand, and rubbed my clit incredibly fast. he slammed into me harder.

he then turned me around and spread my legs apart. he stuck his dick in me, again with no warning and very hard. this way was better because it was more deep inside me. it felt so fucking good. "UH SHIT!" i moaned pretty loud. ethan eyeballed me.
"no moaning babygirl." he said, then he spanked me three times in a row, hard may i add. the spanking made me feel so fucking good.
he then grabbed onto my waist and pulled me in more. he then grabbed onto both of my boobs, and fucked me even harder. he then went faster, and harder.
"shit babygirl. you're so fucking tight, fuckk" he said in my ear. "you're such a dirty girl" he whispered in my ear again.
i couldn't take it anymore. "FUCK E- DADDY SHIT!" i moan out, then i start throbbing.
he then let go of one of my boobs, and then he spanked me...hard.
"what, uh fuck, did i say ab- about moaning." he said, managing to say between moans.
"s-sorry daddy, you're just so good, shit." i say, looking back at him.
he chocked me hard, as he bended over and kissed my ass. he then spanked me with the hand he wasn't chocking me with.
"d-daddy, i'm gonna c-cum!" i whimpered.
"not yet baby." he said kissing my neck. he slid out of me.
"what the actual fuck!?" i say looking back at him.
"just wait." he said as he stuck his fist in me.
"mmm shit." i mumble trying not to moan.
he fisted me so fucking hard. "do you like it rough babygirl?" he said looking in my eyes.
"y-yes fucking shit, ah!!" i say as i cum all over ethans fist.
he slowly removed his fist, and licked all my cum off. he grinned at me spanking me one last time.

i then took my hand and jerked ethan off, hard. i won't stop even if he tells me to.
"EMMA SHIT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MMM DON'T STOP!!" he said grabbing onto my tight ponytail.
"I'M CUMING" he said with his head tilt back, and his eyes closed. i then licked all of his cum off of my hand.

we then lied on ethans bed tired. we were spooning. i was the outer spoon. i fell asleep playing with his hair.

i like it rough.

was this good? i just really liked this idea someone left in my last chapter. sorry if it wasn't good, i'm tired, also i tried something new so sorry if it was short or sloppy. anyways thanks for the idea @syeetsha

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