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i was laying on ethans bed, editing a video, as i hear a couple moaning. i knew it wasn't ethan, because he wasn't home. he was at the store. i got up from ethans bed, and walked tours the moaning. it was coming from graysons room.... i open the door.
i gasp. grayson wasn't fucking someone, he was jerking off, while watching porn, like every boy. :)
i watch more, because it was so hot, he had no clothes on, and there was no blanket over him. i mean, i know i'm dating ethan, but grayson won't tell him if i fuck him, right? i mean, he's so hot. i look at the floor, as i drop my laptop on the ground. "fuck!" i yell, bending down to get my laptop. i look back up at grayson. he was so red. he then grabbed the blanket, put it over him, then he closes the porn window on his laptop.
i smile nervously. "i-i'm not dumb gray. i saw you."
grayson was speechless. he then whispered "i was so close."
i frown, knowing how much it sucks to have to stop while you're close to reaching your high.
i walk over to him, slowly. i then sit next to him, starting to jerk him off.
"emma, no you can't, ethan, remember?" he said frowning looking up my skirt i had on.
"but he's at the store. he won't know. only if you don't tell him, right?" i said running my hands down his abs.
he smiled at me softly. "yeah! i guess."
i bend down, and sucked him off. he then starts to whimper, slightly.
"mm, emma. don't stop, p-please." he said rolling his eyes back, gripping his hands on the head board. he then starts to hump my mouth, making more pleasure flow through him. he then starts to shutter, grabbing on to my pony tail. "you're so hot," he says grunting, "i wish you were mine," he said grunting louder, and humping faster, "not ethans," he said giving a loud moan. "FUCK AH!" he said squirming. "i'm so close emma, stop, i wanna cum with you." he said sliding out of my mouth.
"okay," i said grinning. he then spreads my legs apart, and starts to lick my clit, slowly, and softly. he then licks everywhere, and sticks his tongue in my core, deeply.
i moan very loud. "g-gray, don't stop, fuck." i say in his ear.
he then mumbled, witch sent vibrations through me. it felt so good.
i then grip onto his hair tightly. "mmm," i mumble.
he then stopped, as i was about to reach my high. fuck him, aha.
he then rolls a condom on his cock. "emma. are you sure you want to do this? i mean, i could just eat you up, then you're good?" he said nervously.
"trust me, it's okay, he said he'd be gone for a while." i said smiling. he then nods softly, sticking himself inside of me. we both grunt at the feeling. as we hold on to each other, we start to feel more pleasure.
"ah fuck gray." i said moaning slightly loud. "please give it to me." i said hinting him to go deeper. he was just nervous.
"mmm emma. fuck, you're so tight, holy fucking shit!" he moans, loud. "mmm ethan's so fucking lucky to have you." he said between moans.
"ah ah ah, fuckkk!" i said pulling onto his hair.
"em, ah fuck, can i a-ask a question?" he said trying to speak between moans.
"mmmm y-yes gray," i mumble.
"okay, s-so who's bigger, m-me or ethan?" he said looking at my breasts, blushing.
"ethan. but you seem to have more experience. i sometimes need to teach him stuff, with you, i don't." i say smiling.
he smiles and kisses my breasts to add more pleasure.
"AH FUCK GRAY!!" i scream, about to cum."
the moan i did sent gray over the edge. "FUCK, ME TOO." he screams, holding my back in closer.
we both are about to come. this felt so good, i know it's wrong, it's just. sometimes ethan is busy, and gray doesn't have a girlfriend to do this with, so i wanna help him feel good, too.
we were about to cum, then i heard the door open.

it was ethan.

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