Chapter 1

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Also the boys aren't in high school in this fan fic:) And they're both 19 years old...

Ashton's POV...

"Good morning, sweetie", My mum greeted me as I walked into the kitchen.

Yes I know, I'm a 19 year old who still lives with his parents...oh well?

"Morning mum", I smiled. I sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen and mum handed me a piece of toast.

"What time do you start work, Ash?", She asked curiously.

I shrugged. "Umm, I think...nine-thirty?", I said.

She looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "Ashton! It's nine-thirty six, you're late!", She screeched.

I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my toast. "My boss is pretty good when it comes to this kinda stuff, he won't mind me being late", I calmly replied.

She looked at me and dropped her toast on the bench. "I don't fucking care if he won't mind, Ashton! You're nineteen years old, you should be able to tell the fucking time already!".

"I can't see the time if I'm asleep", I mumbled to myself.

"Set a fucking alarm clock then!", She yelled.

Man, she is mad at me for being late. Probably more mad than what my boss will be...

"Urgh", I groaned. "I hate alarm clocks, they wake me up, and they're assholes. Like...why the fuck does a clock think its allowed to wake me up for?", I said.

She clenched her fists together. "THAT'S WHAT ALARM CLOCKS ARE FUCKING USED FOR! TO WAKE PEOPLE UP!", She screamed.

"Well, personally, I think they're bastards! I don't want a clock screaming at me to wake up. I will just end up throwing the damn thing out my window", I finished my toast.

Mum took a deep breath. "Ashton, hun", She whispered through gritted teeth. "Go get ready for work". I nodded before making my way upstairs to my bedroom.

What a start to the morning. There's nothing like your mum screaming at you because you're late for work on a Friday morning.

I hate early morning starts. I don't know how my dad does it? He gets up at 3:30am, and leaves for work at 4:00am, I don't understand how you do that?...

I went into my wardrobe and quickly found the cleanest clothes I have left. A plain navy blue tee, and black skinny jeans. I threw my clothes on, before tying up my black converse and running to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth quickly (but thoroughly of course). I washed my face, then put on my black thick-rimmed glasses, since I didn't have time to put my contacts in.

I walked back into my bedroom and grabbed my car keys and phone off my bedside table, before making my way back downstairs.

"Have you got everything, Ashton?", Mum asked.

I nodded. "Y-Yeah, I only need my phone and car keys, theres not much I can forget, mum".

"Who the fuck would know with you?", She said. "You'd lose your goddamn head if it wasn't screwed onto your shoulders".

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, mum. I'm gonna go now".

"I think that'd be a good idea", She nodded. "Have fun at the DVD store".

"Okay, bye", I replied before walking outside to my car.


"Good morning, Ashton", Phil, my boss said to me as I walked into the DVD store.

"Morning", I smiled.

"So Ashton...", Phil walked over to me with the work roster.

"See this Ashton?", He pointed to my name on the roster and I nodded.

"This is your name, believe it or not. And what's that next to it? Oh yeah... nine-thirty in the morning, until one-thirty in the afternoon on Mondays's and Friday's, those times are the times you work for", He said.

"I-I know, but I..."

"No but's Ashton! Those are the times you have to work for, full stop! It is only four hours, it's not that hard!", Phil interrupted me.

"I know, I'm sorry. It will never happen again", I looked down at the ground.

"I hope not! You're a good kid, Ashton. You just need to pull your head in sometimes and do the work", He patted my shoulder.

He's making a huge deal out of nothing. From what he's saying, its sounds like I've ditched work and gone somewhere else. At least I turned up...

"Yeah I know", I replied.

"Okay", He smiled. "Let's get back to work, shall we?". I nodded.

I know I sound really lazy not wanting to come to work, it's just so...boring. I don't know about you but, it's boring to stand at a counter for four hours and do nothing except for restocking a few DVDs, and scanning movies for customers, its not fun at all.

The only thing I like about the DVD store, is that there's always a movie playing on the TV, and the staff get free food.

I'm shocked that we don't run out of food, because how much I eat it when I'm working, which are Mondays and Fridays, but I do the same hours.

The bell rang on the door which signalled a customer. It was a young mother who was pushing a stroller with a toddler in it, and she was holding her daughters hand who looked about 4 years old.

"Good morning, ma'am", I smiled at the lady.

"Good morning, hun", She replied.

I saw her go over to the children's section, and her daughter went ballistic when she saw a Barbie movie.

"Alright, sweet, we can get that one, and you can pick one more", I over heard the young mum.

It's funny watching little kids come in here with their parents. They always what a Barbie, SpiderMan, My Little Pony or a Batman movie.

Soon after, the lady came up to the counter. I smiled "Just these?", I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, thanks".

I saw she had two Barbie movies, and a chick-flick, Endless Love.

"Endless Love is a good movie", I said.

"Is it? My friend said it was good, so I thought I'd watch it", She smiled.

"It is very good, you'll enjoy it", I said and she smiled.

"So that is... six dollars, please", I said.

She handed me the money and I put it in the cash register. "You have them overnight, and they're due back tomorrow at 6pm", I smiled.

She took her DVDs. "Thanks", She replied.

"No problem", I said before she left with her children.

So, this is the start of my new fan fiction. I know it was short, but it was only the first chapter...

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or errors! XD

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