Chapter 9

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We walked all over the city trying to find somewhere to stay. We decided to stay at a Motel for a few nights, but the thing is...we need to find the cheapest one. All the Motels we seem to look at are like $30.00 per person, per night.

I need to remember that I only brought $300.00, and I need to buy food as well.

I know it seems extremely pathetic to move out because of a little argument. But, mum controls my life. I have a set curfew, which is 10:45pm. And she doesn't let me have freedom and explore things for myself.

I have always lived by my mum's rules all my life, but now I wanna live by my own. Even if that means I have to be...homeless.

Me and Luke walked with our fingers intertwined and bags in the other hands. I noticed a big building with a big sign saying 'Parkview Motel' on it. It wasn't fancy or anything, just a normal Motel.

"Luke, what about in there", I pointed in the direction of the Motel.

He nodded. We walked over the road and into the office. There was a lady sitting behind the counter on her computer.

"Good afternoon, boys", She smiled.

"Hello, ma'am", Luke replied.

"What can I do for you guys?", She asked.

"We're were wondering what your prices are for one night?", Luke replied.

She nodded. "For one night for one person is $15.00, but I'm guessing you want it for two people?".

I nodded. "Yeah, and maybe for...3 nights", I looked at Luke, and he nodded.

"Sure", She looked on her computer. "Would you like a room with one double, or a room with two singles?".

Luke smiled. "Room with a double, please".

She looked up. "Oh my...that is so cute, I will give it to you for a little cheaper then". I blushed.

At least she accepts gays.

"Thank you", Luke said.

"Who's name can I put the room under?", She asked.

I spoke up "Lashton".

Luke put his arm around my waist and kissed my temple.

"Alrighty, that was $90.00, but I'll give it to you for...$70.00, is that alright?", She asked.

I smiled widely and gave her the money. "That's more than alright, thank you so much", I said.

"No problem, hun", She handed Luke the key that said 12. "It's the one right down at the end, over there", She pointed to a wooden door down the hall.

I nodded. "Thank you", I repeated before me and Luke made our way to the room.

We unlocked the door and walked in. It was pretty simple. A double bed in the corner. Two dressers opposite the bed. Also a desk and chair. And a door that leads to the bathroom.

It didn't have a kitchen since there's a kitchen you can use down the hall which is understandable.

I took a deep breath and put my bags in front of the bed, and sat down. Luke came and sat down next to me, putting his hand on my thigh and I put my hand on top of his.

"Baby, are you sure you want this?", He asked.

I nodded. "Yes", I simply answered. "She was gonna eventually kick me out if I told her about you".

Luke didn't say anything. He just pressed his lips on mine softly, and kissed me.

"If this is what you want", He said when we pulled away from the kiss. "Because...we are gonna eventually be out of money and we'll be on the streets".

"I know", I nodded.

"What about your job? Did you quit? Are you still working there?", He asked.

"No. I'm not going back there, I don't want mum to find me, I just wanna be by myself and run away with you", I replied.

"...Okay, because I don't wanna force you into this, ya'know...because I have nowhere to go".

"No, no, you're not forcing me into this. I decided this on my own", I said.

He nodded. "Okay then", He replied. "Do you wanna head to the supermarket and get something for dinner?".

"Yup", I nodded. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, before we locked the door and went outside.


"Luke, what do you want for dinner?", I asked Luke, who was looking at the chips.

"I don't mind, just anything you want", He replied.

I rolled my eyes and went down the pasta and noodle aisle. I just decided to grab some 2-minute noodles for tonight, we'll have something healthier tomorrow.

I also grabbed some bread and vegemite, also milk. As I was walking over to Luke. I saw him shove biscuits in his pockets.

"Lukey, I can pay for them", I said.

He shook his head. "No, we need the money for other stuff".

"If you keep stealing stuff, I'm gonna need the money to bail you out of jail".

"Ash, don't worry about it", He shook it off.

At this point, I was getting a little annoyed at Luke for stealing things. There's no need to, if I have money to pay for the items.

"I'm supposed to worry about it, Luke! I have fucking money for a reason, so give me the biscuits", I held my hand out.

"No", He shook his head.

"Fine, you can fucking get arrested", I mumbled to myself and walked up to the counter.

I was pissed off at Luke. He thinks shoplifting is okay? isn't! I couldn't be bothered dealing with his shit tonight, so I just ignored him and walked up to the counter.


I waited for Luke outside the supermarket. I tapped my foot on the concrete since I was frustrated at him.

About five minutes later, he came out. I didn't wait for him, I just began to walk back to the Motel.

"Ash, Ashton, wait up", I heard him say.

I ignored him and kept walking. "Ashton, stop ignoring me", I heard him say behind me.

I turned around. "What!", I said.

"Why are you mad at me?", He walked beside me.

I rolled my eyes. "You fucking stole food from the supermarket, why the fuck do you think that's okay?".

"You didn't have a problem with it a couple days ago", He said.

I looked down. "I was trying to be fun and cool for once when we stole from the dairy", I mumbled.

"You are fun and cool", He put his hands on my hips.

I scoffed. "Go away, Luke", I wriggled out of his grip.

He sighed. "Don't be a fucking dickhead, Ashton".

I turned around. "What did you call me?".

"Nothing", He sighed.

"If I'm such a dickhead, why are you even going out with me?", I said.

"I didn't mean it like that, Ashton! I like you, I really like you. I didn't mean for it to sound harsh".

"Piss off, Luke", I replied. "And I'm not being a dickhead. I'm just so fucking sick of you shoplifting, it's not okay, but you seem to think it is!", I said and continued to walk off without Luke.

It hurt when Luke called me a dickhead. I'm tired and I really don't need this shit as well.

I just left home with clothes and money and nowhere to go, and now I've just had an argument with Luke. This really isn't starting out too well.

I really have no idea where I'm going with this story, and I'm not sure that I'll continue it. Vote/Comment if you think I should continue it, otherwise I won't bother.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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