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Ashton has always kept his sexuality a secret around his parents because they are very homophobic.

Ashton has known he is gay from the age of 15. He figured it out when a girl at his old high school kissed him. He didn't enjoy the kiss at all, in fact... he thought kissing a girl was disgusting.

But when his ex-best friend, Jayden, kissed him. He enjoyed every second of it. That was when he knew he was gay, and it didn't bother him.

He's scared that his homophobic parents will kick him out on the streets if they find out. He's seen the way they talk about homosexuals, and he finds it rude and insulting.


On the other hand...Luke is very open about his sexuality. He couldn't care less about people judging him or thinking he's disgusting because he's bisexual.

Also, Luke is very...rebellious might you say and he plays by his own rules. He loves to live freely, and enjoys taking risks.

People always glare at Luke because he has a few tattoos and a couple piercings. And when I say a couple piercings I mean only two studs in each ear, one silver stud on the left side of his nose. And a black lip ring on the right side of his mouth, also a black eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow...not that many.

He has a few tattoos. On his left arm he has a full sleeve, and across his chest he has 'Flaws Make Perfection' also across his right side, on his rib cage, he has 'Life Is What You Make It'. He also has a lot of other tattoos that don't mean anything.

But the tattoo that means the most, is the one across his heart that says 'Mum, I love you, forever and always'

He got that tattoo when his mum died in a car accident 3 years ago. He loved and looked up to her so much, so that tattoo means a lot to him.

So this is my first fan fiction. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or any errors in chapters...

I'm writing this book for fun, so, I'm sorry if its boring or whatever:) XD

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