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The night was cool and clear as the young man zipped his silver Ford Mustang into the parking lot of the night club. He nosed his way into a tight parking space before killing the engine and getting out while slamming his door after the process. The noise echoed through the lot, and he cringed for a split second, realizing that he should probably be more careful with his actions, if he wanted to keep from drawing any unwanted attention to himself. He tilted his head back and peered up at the sky, taking in the sight of the billions of shimmering stars. Shuddering, he began to head towards the doors, hoping that he wouldn’t be among them once the night was over.

He removed his fake ID, and flashed it at the bouncer who was guarding the door. This man was about twice the young man’s build, and his hair was shoulder length and a dirty blond. He had an angry looking goatee, and his arms were lined with a variety of different tattoos. The bouncer studied the young man’s card for a moment, before eyeing him, his gaze trailing along his body.

He suddenly felt nervous as he was being studied, but quickly masked it with what looked to be pure annoyance. “Well?” He snapped at the bouncer. “Are you going to let me in or not?” He was bigger for his age. Being a senior in high school, he definitely outshone all the other guys in his grade. He was tall, standing at 6’3, with a healthy athletic build and lean muscle. His eyes were a soft hazel, with specs of gold and green surrounding the irises, and his hair was softly spiked; a dark brown shade, almost black. His tanned skin was nearly an olive color, and he had long, dark eyelashes and full, rosy lips. He had always sent the girls swooning over him, but he was never interested in them. There was one girl though, that he was awestruck by, who went to his rival high school. She was the one he wanted to know. She was the one that he wanted to be with, even though he was pretty sure she didn’t know he existed. But if only he could get close enough to see her, to touch her, maybe when she saw him, something would click inside her as well.

The young man tapped his foot impatiently at the bouncer.

“You sure this is real?” the bouncer asked, flicking the ID back to him.

    He shrugged. “And why wouldn’t it be?”

    “We have a lot of kids trying to get in here these days.”
    The young man narrowed his eyes. “Are you calling me a kid? Watch it, pal,” He stated in the most ominous way he could. “I don’t take insults very easily. People end up dead.”

    The bouncer chuckled. “Is that a threat?”

    He grinned, but there was only coldness in his eyes. “No, it’s not a threat. It’s a promise.”

    The bouncer paused a moment, before releasing another low, amused chuckle and stepped aside.

    The young man slipped past him, into the smoke filled, alcohol reeking room. A heavy bass beat of some sort of 80’s dance music was blaring throughout the area. There was big hair, making out, grinding, and short skirts all throughout the joint. The young man kept his eyes trained on the bar at the opposite end of the club, making out the shorter, rounder man sitting there. Bingo.

    He slid onto the stool next to the man. A bartender approached him as he wiped his hands on a stained, white cloth. “What can I get ya?”

    The young man drummed his fingers on the counter before him. “Ginger ale with a shot of vodka.” He had a high alcohol tolerance. It took several shots to make him drunk. He didn’t believe he’d have any problem getting home.

The man next to him took a sip from his beverage before speaking subtly to him. “Did you do it?”

He chuckled. “If I hadn't I wouldn’t be here.”

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