Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

He wouldn't answer his calls. He didn't show up to class for a week. Before everything, I didn't care about whether or not he'd be back, but now since I actually cared about him, I saw my emotions a little clearer. I was scared for him. Worried sick. I knew he'd gone through this a million times before, so why did I get this really bad feeling that with every time he turned, he was losing another piece of himself?

T'was the night before Halloween and Leslie was digging through my closet, looking for the perfect last minute costume for me. I'd been so concerned about Adrian and so busy not focusing on social events happening that I totally forgot that I was supposed to be going with Leslie to a Halloween party.

She pulled out a long red cape I'd had since my fifth grade play of Little Red Riding Hood. She grinned. "Red Riding Hood it is." She dug through my underwear drawer, pulling out a pair of fishnet tights I'd forgotten I had and found a black sequin top I never wore. "As if she heard what I was thinking, she asked, "Do you ever wear this?"

I shook my head. "I was actually going to donate it before the move but I guess it never got into the donations box."

"Well, recycling it is." She grabbed the pair of scissors off my dresser and began to work her magic, cropping it, cutting off the sleeves, and making a deeper plunge neckline. I cleared my throat, unsure. "Just imagine how sexy and badass you're going to look in this." I pressed my lips together. "I have a black mini skirt you could borrow as well. And an apron from my maid costume back during freshman year. Just think of it, seductive Miss Riding Hood. Love it."

Then she chatted about how my four inch knee high boots were the perfect touch. I only ever wore the boots for special occasions, and I'd guessed that, to Leslie, this was a special occasion. But I wasn't thinking about that right now. I was focused on my angel of death boyfriend who was out there somewhere, losing his mind and probably terrorizing a small town somewhere because of a beast he turned into. When I thought about this I wanted to cry for him. Or throw up. Wherever he was, I was hoping that he'd show up at the Halloween party we were going to tomorrow, mostly with it, if anything. He would blend right in. And if not, at least I'd know where he was.

Despite Adrian not being around this last week, I'd still gone and trained with Jesse. It was getting surprisingly easier, once I was able to get past the aching bones and muscle spasms. I was getting stronger. We'd even begun mental training as well. Training me to use my gifts. If Adrian did show up in the worst form, I was pretty sure I knew enough at this point to be able to defend myself against harm by physical fighting as well as using my powers. Whether we were dating or not, if he were to get violent on me, I'd have no choice but to fight back. I was hoping this would not end up being the case, but at this point I couldn't be so sure.

"Who are you going as?" I asked her, pulling my boots out of the closet to set them near my bed stand for the next day.

She blew a bubble and popped it with her teeth. "A sexy angel of death." I almost hit my head on my drawer that I forgot to push back in. "I have this sheer, black lingerie top that I'm planning on wearing with my black short shorts, and open toed four inch heels. My wings are mutilated and I have a black halo. My plan is to hook up with a really hot fireman or vampire or something."

I stifled a laugh. Leslie was always the type to try hooking up with guys, and somehow she always managed to fail. When she'd finally get her way, she'd get super bored with them quickly and move on to the next boy. She was drop dead gorgeous, but she was very flighty. My guess was because God was punishing her for wanting something like that so bad. It was an interesting situation.

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