Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

The party was already in full motion by the time Leslie and I pulled up. She'd offered to drive, and I was so out of it, and so sore, that I had no problem with it.

It took every ounce of my stability to keep myself from collapsing on the ground from weak legs. It was a less than ideal moment. Back in the car I'd looked down at my outfit and cringed that I let Leslie talk me into wearing this, let alone let her pull it together for me. It was a very bad idea. The last thing I needed was a hundred guy's lustful little eyes staring at me. In fact, the whole reason I'd decided I was here was because I was hoping that Adrian would be here. I thought these transformations of his only lasted for three days to a week? It had only been about a week, but it felt like so much longer than that. I remembered that he told me that sometimes they lasted longer than three days.

I was worried sick about him. Because I cared. At this point I genuinely cared for him. I didn't love him yet. It would take me a bit of time to fall in love with him, but I felt that it was a high chance that I was going to get to that point. This was no longer the rebellious, "suck it" type attitude talking out loud; it was genuinely starting to turn into something else. That excited me, yet at the same time terrified me. I wasn't sure I was ready. Not after everything I'd already been through.

I entered into a house half full of drunken teenagers who were dressed anywhere from Little Bo Peep to a sexy Zombie nurse. The lights were flashing different colors and the DJ was throwing out remixes of different Halloween songs. I wasn't sure whose house this was, but it was huge. Who's ever it was, I was guessing their parents worked for either the Tzar, or were Presidents of the world's top company.

As we moved through the crowd, I saw a few familiar faces from school. I wasn't really sure of their names, but I knew they were in some of my classes.

"Ooh, Punch!" Leslie disappeared through the crowd to the refreshment table. I was now alone.

I fidgeted with my skirt which suddenly seemed way too short and tight for my liking. I was getting lingering gazes from one too many guys. More than anything they were focusing on my chest.

I silently cursed at Leslie for talking me into wearing this. I silently cursed at myself for not thinking things through and for being all too willing for this. There was nothing I could do. Unless I found the resident of this house who was hopefully a girl, who could lend me some clothes, the situation was basically hopeless.

Throwing my shoulders back and accepting the fact that I was already in too deep, I moved over to get a drink from the table. Leslie had completely disappeared and was nowhere to be seen. I was gonna give her a piece of my mind when I saw her next. If I didn't decide to stop being friends with her before then.

I put the cup to my lips and took a gulp of the punch before I pulled it away and gagged slightly. It burned as it slid down my throat and I realized that it was spiked with something, like tequila, or vodka. Maybe even whiskey. I coughed a bit before setting the cup down and glancing around the room once more.

Jack came into view, and his face lit up when he saw me. At this point he was dressed as Captain America. The costume suited him well too. It shaped his pectorals, biceps, and abdominals. It was well fitted, carving every part of his body into solid, pure muscle. It complimented his skin tone and blonde hair. He looked kind

"Well wouldn't you take a nice long sip of Sexy Miss Riding Hood," He beamed me a smile and I felt myself blush. "Um, thanks." I gazed around. "But this house is huge though."

"I'm glad you approve."

I blinked at him. "Wait, you live here?"

He threw back his head and laughed loudly, and it didn't take long for me to notice that he was slightly under the influence. "Why so surprised?"

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