Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"What are you doing after school?" Leslie asked me Monday afternoon. It was passing periods between sixth and seventh.

I shrugged. I didn't want to tell her that I was going to be with Adrian. I also didn't want to tell her what had happened yesterday, if it came down to it. "Homework. Family stuff. My mom wants to try this new restaurant she found out about, which apparently serves Korean food." Little did she know that we had gone there last night and this was my cover story for what was really about to happen tonight. Adrian was going to teach me how to use my powers. Or, at least, he knew someone who was going to help me learn. This was either going to go really well, or really, really bad. I was not ready for this, yet at the same time I didn't have a choice.

It's not every day you get to learn how to use your supernatural powers to rescue a mutating angel of death from hell itself. Or from your great uncle Ron who is apparently a coven leader, wanting to take over the Supernatural world and destroy the free will of every creature part of it.

My life was golden.

She cocked her head at me. "Is this code for having a makeout sesh with you-know-who?"

Instantly I felt my face go bright pink. "Um. Gross. No. It's code for, my mom and I are going to paint the town red, white, and a Korean restaurant."

I hoped she wasn't going to catch on that I was, in fact, lying, and that I was, in fact, going to be with Adrian. She was going to make so many sex jokes if she found out. I didn't have time for that. Nor the stomach to actually think about that.

She scrutinized my face for a moment and I put on a cool, yet annoyed front, hoping that she didn't see through me.

Finally, she said, "Let me know how the food is. I've been wanting to check out that joint for a while. You know what I wish they had around here? I wish they had Chicago style deep dish pizza-" and just like that, the topic was shifted. I gave a subtle sigh of relief.

The relief only lasted about two minutes until I walked past a friend of Adrian's who gave me a mocking stare so hard I could have been close lined by him in passing.

Then I walked past two girls who snickered at me as they whispered to one another.

I felt like the world was closing in on me. I didn't know what was going on, but I had a pretty good idea.

My face flushed red.

I swear...

Leslie gave me a funny look. "What's up?"

I shook my head. "I honestly have no idea."

As I came into view of my locker, I saw a crowd of people around it and my stomach suddenly dropped.

"Scuse me," I said, as I elbowed past people and into view.

The images I saw on my locker almost made me fall on my knees.

There were five pictures. The first one was an aerial view of my bedroom window. The door was open and Adrian was moving into my room as I just stood there.

The second one was a picture of him lying on my bed as I loomed over him. It looked like I was about to bang on him.

The third one was a picture of me on top of him on all fours, smirking down at him.

The fourth was when I was lying on him after he'd pulled me with him as he went back down. The way the camera was positioned, and how close my face was to his, it looked like we were making out.

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