Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

A week passed.

I'd decided that, a few days after the car incident, I should go and have a word with that fortune teller lady who gave me the reading. Many of her predicaments were right. Leslie had found a guy (who she got sick of after a week, ending things), drank something called the love potion, and I was able to start a car using telepathy. It was pretty edgy, mysterious even, but I had no idea where this power started from, and who passed it on. Also, how was I part angel? Who in my family was one? I'd thought that witches and angels would be enemies, seeing as how the world of black magic seemed to consume a lot of Adrian's time. And energy.

Maybe that's why he was angry all the time. Or had attitude problems. He could have been in the grasp of something wicked, having no way to escape. Was that why he hated me? Because I was said to be a combination of both worlds?

I'd considered it. That very well could be the case. Like, if there were ever to be a war between both races, and I was somehow included in the war, I'd have to choose a side. I wasn't saying that I'd hope to find myself in a war, because I didn't know a thing about fighting. But if I were to end up in that situation, I'd basically be in some deep crap.

I got into my car and turned on some music to distract myself from the discomfort in my stomach before driving down the street. No sooner did I turn the corner onto the next road did I slam on the brakes because of a figure standing in the middle in front of me. My heart leapt to my throat and I tried to slow my breathing from the close encounter.

Adrian came over to the passengers door before throwing it open unexpectedly and climbing in. He gave me a smug smile as he folded his arms across his chest.

I stared at him dumbfounded before stating, "Um, nice of you to drop in. Unexpectedly. Against my will."


I parked the car and put the blinkers on before turning to him. Folding my arms across my chest, mirroring his action, I said, "No. Frankly it's because I don't care for your attitude. Or the fact that you think you can just come waltz into my passenger seat unexpectedly and then demand I take you somewhere. What are you even doing here? Have an explanation?" Truth was, the main problem wasn't the fact that he was here at the moment, though that did add to it. I didn't fully a hundred percent trust myself when I was with him. Alone. Nevermind the fact that he gave every bad vibe in the book. Leslie had been right. All I've ever dated were bad boys. There was something that screamed "mysterious" about them. Alluring. It was thrilling and seductive. Very arousing. I'd hated it because getting all those chills and sensations in my body were everything but comfortable for me. One wrong move and I could make a mistake I'd regret the moment I'd make it.

And here we were, sitting on a desolate street at the moment, every soul hidden safely in their homes. It was just us, and the road.

I tried my best to tuck the images and thoughts away in my head, trying to ignore the pulsing in my neck and stomach. I tried my best to ignore how bad I wanted to touch him, and pull him close and have just a tiny taste of him. He was the flood drowning my flowers. The storm that disrupted my beach. He was the tornado that sent people running. It was as if the world knowingly threw him my way just so she could sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch all my logic slip away by one touch from his fingers, all my sanity and dignity leave with just one kiss. That was the scariest thought I'd had all day. I felt my face flush a bit and I turned on the air to try and pass it off as being overheated. I mean, I was, but not in the way I was hoping to pass it off as. Truth was I was freezing. But I couldn't let him know that.

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