Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I couldn't move at all the following morning. Jesse was taking this hardcore. He started me off with a nice little boxing workout which was a lot harder than anticipated. Then things got really difficult. One-hundred burpees, seventy five push-ups, fifty mountain climbers, thirty-five kickouts, for both legs, twenty curtsy-lunges, and a five mile run. This was all done while I wasn't wearing a sports bra. I puked after the kick outs but that wasn't the end of that. The fear of the unknown was gone, being replaced with pure annoyance and detest.

The last thing out of my mouth was how much I hated Adrian for dragging me into this.

"How is working out and killing me in the process supposed to serve as a good conditioning tool to teach me how to use my powers?" I spat at him once I'd hobbled out behind him when we left. I was completely soaked. My white peasants blouse was now see through and my nude underwear could be seen through the now transparent material. When I'd complained to Jesse about not being dressed properly, he'd said, "Disaster can strike anywhere, anytime. You may not always be wearing appropriate clothing to fight in depending on circumstances. This will teach you how to get good at defending yourself no matter where you may be. Now go run."

Adrian gave me a matter of factly look."Your mind is weak so you need to strengthen it by practicing your mind over matter. If you're exhausted, you keep going. If you want to give up, you keep going. If you want to puke, like you did, you tell yourself not to. That will give you the advantage to control your thinking patterns as well as your emotions that trigger your power. It's a helpful tool."

I gave him a low growl. "I hate you."

"You'll love me later once you get that six pack you've wanted. And on time for Halloween, which is next week, might I add. Now go shower. You're sweating like a pig. Be ready for tomorrow."

"Pigs don't sweat." I smirked. Then I went up to my front door and slammed it closed behind me.

And thus ended my first day of repetitive death.

I hobbled down the stairs to the breakfast table where my mom was sitting. She gave me a onceover before stating, "What did you do?

"Really hardcore workout yesterday," I groaned.

"For fitness class?"

More like for a witch survival course. "Basically."

"Mmm, well get ready to go, You have a doctor's appointment today."

"Wait, what?" I felt my jaw drop. "With who?"

"His name is Doctor Conners. He's a therapist."

I shook my head at her. "I don't need therapy. What even gave you the idea?"

She took my hands in hers. "I know how hard it's been on you with Dad passing. I know it's been painful. Especially with the Holidays coming up so soon. It will be very hard on you. I need to make sure you'll be okay."

"I'm fine, Mom. There's nothing wrong with me."

"But I'm also concerned that you might be acting up, too. Don't think I forgot about that boy being in your bedroom. You also seem to be keeping some things from me. I want you to know that you can talk to me. If you made a mistake with him, if you are starting to participate in ungodly activity, you need to say something. In order to keep you from doing that I think it's best to have you talk to someone. Don't feel like you need to act up in order to feel peace."

"Mom, again, I'm fine. I am not going to the doctor's, I don't need it." What was she thinking? Was everyone going to start assuming that I was changing for the worse?

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