Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

People were looking at me funny all the next day at school. I clung to Adrian's side as we walked into the building, and I was trying to focus on the steps ahead of me. I told myself that all I'd have to do is to just get through the rest of the week. I told myself that come Monday I probably wouldn't have to worry about the black and blue marks on my face because they'd most likely have faded a little more by then. I told myself that when I saw Jack, I was going to keep my dignity, because I didn't need him to have that type of power over me. The power of fear, control, the authority. He probably really did have no idea what he did, though. And that made me loathe him. Not because of his oblivion, but because of having that type of mindset and personality when drunk.

When Creative Writing came I slid into my seat and tried to avoid people's eyes by training my face down to my books. People were whispering, asking each other questions about the way I looked.

I felt a presence slide into the seat next to me and I was expecting it to be Adrian. I glanced up at him, but my heart rate increased drastically when I realized it wasn't him, but Jack instead.

He smiled at me, then his smile faded when he saw my face. "What happened?"

I looked at him, my eyes beginning to glaze over. I opened my mouth, shut it. My pulse shot up, beating through my ears. My throat gained a lump and my chest grew tight. Suddenly the memories of Halloween night came flashing back. The panic, the ptsd. The humiliation. Everything came rushing back.

"I woke up with a really bad headache yesterday," he chuckled, seeming oblivious to my silence. "And I was on the floor." He pointed to his cheek. "I must have gotten into a fight or something. I guess drinking for me isn't a good thing." A sheepish smile.

Tears clouded my vision and I felt like I was going to fall over. I was beginning to hyperventilate.

Jack frowned. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

He leaned over to give me some comfort, but I flinched back, my thoughts racing.

Leslie was tempted to come to class with me to torment him. I'd talked her out of it. Now I kind of wished that I'd have said yes. I could've really used the support right then.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Just then Adrian came rushing into the room and put his hand on Jack's shoulder as he gave him a hard look. "Hey, back off."

Jack looked at him through narrowed eyes. "What's your problem, man?"

Adrian stood between us. "See those marks on her face? They're from you."

He gave him a look like he couldn't believe him. "That's bull. I'd never do something like that. Maybe it was you. Maybe you lost your temper or something. Took it out on her. When would I have had time to do this?"

Adrian's body went rigid. As he advanced forward, Mrs. Harmon walked in with her papers lying in her arms. She paused a moment to observe what was happening. This didn't stop him though. Not until I reached my hand out to him and seized his arm. "Don't," I warned. "Not here. Not now."

Adrian gave Jack a long, hard, ominous stare before saying under his breath, "You were drunk, my friend. You led her upstairs and then tried to force yourself on her. Then you lost your temper when she fought back. You should see her neck."

Mrs. Harmon paused. "Is everything alright here?" she asked them skeptically. Then she looked at me where, at this point, I had tears caressing my cheeks. "Are you okay?" she asked me quietly.

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