Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The city swept into view as the day faded into night. In a way, I was really glad Adrian was with me. Salem made the hair on the nape of my neck rise. But it was for a good reason.

At the same time, I was nervous. I'd lost my cool once a little while ago while on the way here, I was scared that the darkness and the thrill of the streets were going to push me completely over the edge.

The last thing I'd wanted to do that night was be tempted to check into a hotel room to...finish business with a certain someone that was with me. He was right. There was more I wanted to give him. I felt like an enemy to my mom, to nature, to heaven. But I couldn't help the way he made me feel, or how he made me want to not think, and to just do.

I parallel parked along the street a few spaces down from where Leslie and I parked last time we'd come here.

Then I got out and began to move to the shop, hearing and feeling Adrian hot on my heels. Soon he was walking insync next to me. "A Teller's shop?" He gave me an inquisitive look. "So this is where you were last time?"

I didn't answer him. I pulled open the door before sauntering in and through the beaded curtains.

"Madam?" I called out.

The Teller came out of the back room. "Ah, Britt. You came back. What a surprise. What can be done for you this night? Another fortune, ya?" Then her eyes settled on Adrian behind me, and she stopped. "Boyfriend?" she asked, pointing a finger at him.

"Yes." Adrian said.

"No!"I said at the same time. I turned to him and gave him a black look. He winked at me.

"Ah. She folded her arms along her chest, and instantly I knew that she felt something off about him if not completely off about what he was.

"Madam," I proceeded forward. "I need to talk to you. It's important."

She gave a long stare before directing her attention to him. "You, we need privacy, please." Her thick accent carried heavily through the room.

Adrian turned on his heels and exited. "He'll hear you," I stated, settling down into the seat. "He's...different."

She shook her head. "Na, this room is sound-proof. It's been spelled that way. Boyfriend is powerful creature, but can't break through barrier to hear. I made sure of that long ago."

So she already knew that he wasn't normal. Well, that handled one situation.

"I need your help," I stated to her once she settled into her chair. "At first I didn't believe your fortunes, but then everything began to come true. And I don't know what to expect next. I'm not asking for another fortune, I'm just asking if you could give me advice've already seen what's happened. Maybe you could give me a heads up, or tips even, especially since your prediction of me being...different as well was true. I've seen it."

The teller gave a thoughtful look before smiling. "I'm rarely ever wrong, Sweetheart." She grabbed my hands. "You were born to do powerful things. I saw that the moment I read from your future."

A shiver ran up my spine. "Like what though? What should I do to be ready for whatever is coming?"

She took a perfectly manicured finger and stroked her chin, giving in to thoughtfulness before saying, "You need to learn to fight. Learn to control what you can't. If you cannot conquer these things, you will be doomed. There is more to come." She flicked her eyes to the door. "That boy. He's different. Not of humanity. Do you know what he is?"

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