One: Help. . .

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"Shut up, I don't and never will need you."

"You can't live without me, you know that."

"Ugh, shut up already!" I woke to my roommate, Uraraka, staring at me.

"Onii-chan, your eyes..."

"Sorry Uraraka." I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, allowing my eyes to shift to their natural color. I got off my bed and slipped into my uniform, sliding the chainmail and extra amor over my clothing .

"The Prince told me to give this to you." Uraraka handed me a dark green outfit and a black collar-like device.

"Why the actual hell would he want me to wear this?" I spat, confused.

"I have no idea, but he told me that you had to wear it for today." She replied. I put on the outfit and collar, tightening it.

"Did I miss someone's birthday?" She shrugged, she knew nothing more than I did. I quietly opened my door, nearly fainting when a couple light taps landed on my shoulder. I turned around, a wave of relief flooding over me once I realized who it was.

"Good morning your majesty." I said bowing.

"Good morning Izuku." Prince Todoroki said, bowing back.

"Your majesty, if I may ask, why do I have this strange device on me?"

"You," He sighed.

"You are -unfortunately- going with the prince of the south, he needs a new personal Knight."


"Oh hell no!"

"Izuku, there is no reason for you to be afraid. My subjects shiver at the mention of your name."

He paused, "I'm just glad you haven't dragoned out on one of them." He said, relived. Iida was at the door, waiting for us. "Your majesty, Izuku." He said as he opened the doors in front of us.

"I've never been in here." I spoke, unable to control the awe clearly painted across my face. "Oi peppermint boy!" I jumped, I knew that voice, why couldn't it have been someone else?

"Bakugo you scared him! Quiet down!" He patted my shoulder in a sad attempt to comfort me. "He didn't scare me, Sir." I sighed, crossing my arms.

"His intimidation skills won't work on me, Sir." Shoto laughed at the combination of my cold tone and the look of pure confusion on the Prince's face.


His eyes widened for a second, his beautiful emerald eyes. They looked so familiar.

"Oi, loser, stop daydreaming." He turned his head to meet my eyes, making a small 'tch' noise.

"Whatever are we here for, your majesty?" The familiar green haired boy asked, giving me a nasty look.

"Iida! food!" Half n half shouted, not long after he barked his command a blue haired, skinny boy came out with three plates full food.

"Good morning your majesties, Good morning Izuku." I spat out water on the tablecloth.

"You're Izuku Midoriya?" He scoffed.

"Wasn't it you who requested me?"

"You're shorter then I thought you'd be."

"What's that suposed to mean?!" He crossed his arms.

"It means you're the size of a four year old." I grinned, proud of myself for coming up with something that would piss him off.

The greenette swiftly stood, knocking the chair behind him over. Pepermint boy was weirdly quick to jump to Izuku's side, holding Deku by the strange collar.

"And this is why I told you to put it on." He said calmly, like always.

"He has no right to insult me!"

"I'm a Prince, I can do whatever I want."

Izuku sat down, crossing his arms.

"You will never be my Prince.

We ate in silence for a couple minutes. No one really knew what to say in this situation. Someone burst into the room, startling all of us.

"Deku!" He whipped his head sround to a girl with short brown hair.

"What?" He spat, venom lacing his words.

My eyes widened.

It can't be, after all these years.

"The gaurds can't handle them!"

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Who?"

"The dragons!" I got up. I can handle them.

"Please let me go!" Deku pleaded. I tried to say no, but before I could, a small click sound was heard. As Deku ran out the door I stared at Shoto, dumbfounded.

"Watch him." I ran out the door to see a flash of green and black.

"Dad, I need you!"

He jumped off a cliff, and flew back up as a terrifying beast.

Deku was a dragon, how? He took down almost everyone of them before he fell from the sky, crashing into the road in front of us. I ran to him, terrified that he might've been seriously hurt, or worse. I unbuttoned the cape from around my neck and began wrapping it around him. I held our foreheads together, being careful as no not hurt him anymore than he already had been.

"Dammit Deku! You can't leave me, I just got you back!" I had no choice, he needed to be taken to my Kingdom, I picked him up as the knights killed the last dragons.

I jumped onto a horse-like creature and rode to my Kingdom

"Dammit, fix him!" I put an unconscious Deku on the bed as the startled medic started working. "Be careful with his one, my Prince."

I scoffed, removing my fingernail from my mouth.

"Stop fucking talking, and get to work already."

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