Seven: ♡

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"Dude, who the hell are those two?" I turned to the couple, my mood instantly shifting back to its original form of aggravated.

"None of your damn business, dunce face."

Eijiro grinned, moving to the other one and whispering something. Kaminari ran closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Congrats bro! Why didn't you tell me you were courting that girl sooner? I am the best at planning engagment parties!"

I turned to face the idiotic knight, kicking him in his no no square. He fell to his knees, whimpering as he went down.

"What the devil do you mean?! And stop whining, pussy."

I placed my foot onto the man's armor chest plate, "You're lucky I tolerate you. Otherwise I would've blasted your ass into the twenty-first century by now."

He grinned, giving me a thumbs up.

"You need to save that for the lucky lady."

I removed my foot off of him, holding out a hand for him to take.

"I don't know why you would think it was the girl I would go after. Anyone could see how hard I'm falling for that idiotic piece of broccoli."

Eijiro walked up to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You've got a point, bro. I haven't seen you fall this hard since I tried to teach you how to ride a horse."

I pushed his arm off of me, covering my face with my hands.

"Aww. . . Bakubro, maybe Izuku can teach you how to be nice!"

"I am nice!"

Eijiro crossed his arms, Kaminari stifled a laugh.

"What is one nice thing you've done in the past twent-four hours?"

I grinned, crossing my arms to mock Eijiro.

"I haven't broken your legs and thrown you in the river to drown yet."

Kaminari looked to me, terrified.


"You heard me."

We began to talk- well, it was mostly just shoving pointless treats down their throats. It was mostly normal everyday talk. Until,

"Kacchan, help me! Please!"

I swiftly turned in the direction of the alarmed voice, "Stay here." I warned the two men behind me.

I began to run in the direction of Izuku's voice, "Deku, stay where you are!"

I ran through the forest, hopping over fallen trees.

"Kacchan, please!"

I stopped, almost falling over in the process. I began to scan the trees above me, meeting Izuku's distressed green orbs with mine.

"I can't get down. . ."

I slid my sword back into its case and began climbing up the tree. I reached the limb he was on eventually, rushing to get him on my back.

"How'd you even get up here?" I jumped to the ground from the tree.

"I was chasing Uraraka and I saw a wolf, so I hid in a tree. And got stuck."

I reached my arms behind me, gripping the smaller boy's legs to keep him from falling. I began to walk, earing a surprised 'oh!' from the boy behind me.

"Where'd round face go?"

He hummed, placing his head on my shoulder.

"I don't know, she just kind of disappeared. I hope she's okay."

"I hope she got eaten." I replied with a smirk.

"No you don't, because if she's dead I'll be sad. Do you want me to be sad?"

I grinned, removing my hand from Izuku's leg and flicking him on the nose. I slowly returned my hand to its previous spot, "No, I suppose you're right. Let's go back inside to change your clothes, you're going to get a cold if you don't."

Izuku responded with a small 'hmph'.

"What?" I stepped over the same log I had nearly tripped on when I was running here.

"I'm nineteen, you don't have to treat me like a toddler."

"But I like babying you."

"I don't need you too, though." Izuku's voice rang through my ears, his words dripping with venom.

"Fine then. But you still need to go change, and maybe take a bath too. I can go look for her while you are doing those things."

I stepped into the clearing, focusing on Izuku's breath and hoping it would calm me down a bit.

If he doesn't like being babied, I can stop.

Ugh, but it's not that easy!

"-acchan, Kacchan!"

I stopped, turning my head to face his.


"Where are your parents?"

I hummed, I was hoping to avoid this conversation.

"They're both overseas."

"Why?" I continued to walk, ignoring Ejijro and Kaminari's calls.

"They just are, okay? Now please stop talking, I really don't want to talk about it."


I sat on my bed, allowing Izuku to fall off of my back and onto the bed. I quickly stood back up, walking to my closet. I began to pick out a somewhat comfortable outfit for him.

"Please change into these, I don't want you to get sick."

I turned to Izuku, holding out the folding clothes. I stared at the boy, I could tell he was mad. He was making an effort to look in the opposite direction of me.

"Hello? Earth to Deku."

Still no response.

"Izuku, please answer me."

"I thought you wanted me to stop talking."

I sighed, throwing the clothes at him.

"Whatever, I'm going to go look for round face." I walked to my closed bedroom door, opening it. I took a couple steps, stopping the the doorway.

"I'm really trying to be polite, Izuku. It would be nice if you would do the same."


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