Ten: "Do it."

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It had been about an hour since we had began serching for Uraraka. We'd found minor things like a scrap of clothing or two, but nothing that said she was-

Y'know, gone.

I continued to search through the trees, my back turned to the blonde. I gasped as a small rabbit hopped through the bushes not too far from where I stood.

"Aww, little bunny. Come here!" I kneeled to the ground, holding my hand towards the small rodent. The brown colored rabbit hopped towards me, its movements weird and robotic.

As the small thing jumped into my hands, I felt the air around me heat to a boiling temperature. I searched for my body, touching where my torso should have been.

"Izuku! Where'd you go,  you little twerp?!" Waving my arms around, I shouted. But nothing came out when I screeched, only whimpers.

Eventually the heat was overwhelming, forcing my eyes to roll into the back of my head.



"Luci, wake up!" A small hand tapped at my cheek, helping my eyes to flutter open. Three or four people crowded around me, their eyes glued to my scarred chest.

"What the hell do you want from me, Himiko?" I growled, thrasing sround in my newly discovered shackles.

She walked closer to me, her platforms clanking on the stone floor as she csme closer to me.

"Nothing much, Luci. We just want to wake you up." My eyes widening as her slinder fingers traced along my back.

"No- No! Toga, you promised!"

The blue-haired man chuckled, his mouth wrinkling as it formed into a grin. He removed a hand from his neck and moved closet to me, placing four fingers on my forehead.

"That was before you left." He groaned, his voice sounding almost as if it was coated in rust.

I tilted my head to the ground, in fear blood would drip into my eyes.

"Do it, then. I dare you." I mocked.


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