Two: This Boy Will Be The End Of Me.

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I woke in a unfamiliar place and unable to see.

"What the hell?"

"Mornin' princess!" A deep voice said from the side of the bed.

I jumped, "Where am I and who are you?" I muttered, shooting up from the bed.

"Ow, what the actual fuck?" I sluggishly stood, grabbing my side. The man immediately came to me.

"He said you're not allowed to get up!" He sounded like a big baby when he spoke.

"Get off of me!"I yelled, slapping his hand off of me.

"Please get in bed." This time he grbbed my shoulder, I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making him let go of me. After he was off of me I twisted his arms behind him and got on his back.

"Okay! Okay! I get it you don't want me to touch you! Just get in the bed before he comes back!"

I tilted my head, "Who comes back?"

"The Prince!" I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"He can kiss my ass, I'm not doing anything for him!" Suddenly the doors slammed open.

"What are you two doing?" I got off of him and pointed down to him while he was still on the floor.

"He started it!" I said like a child.

"Nuh-uh you pounced on me!" He whined.

"I wouldn't have pounced on you if you stopped putting your nasty hands on me! And seeing as I can't see anything, I was on guard!" I spat, pointing to my eyes.

"Speaking of your eyes, we need to get those bandages removed now that you're awake." The Prince spoke smoothly, picking me up bridal styal.

"Let me go! I can walk by myself!" I screamed, flailing my arms and legs.

"You can? Whatever you say." He said, the cocky tone pouring out of his deep voice. he sat me down, making sure I was stable.

"Follow me." I took a few steps forward, slamming my head into the wall. Causing me to fall to the ground.

A loud, deep laugh erupted from the man next to me.

"It's not funny! Just help me up already!"  Two hands swiftly wrapped around my waist, pulling me up.

"So, since I can't carry you and you clearly can't walk by yourself, what do you want to do?"

I pouted, clinging onto the Prince's arm.

"Hold my hand, idiot!" I slid my arms down his, tangling my fingers with his and sending a shiver down his spine.

"Ready?" He questioned.



The Prince opened a large door, pushing me in.

"Hey old lady! He's awake!" The Prince yelled, causing me to whimper.

"Don't do that, it hurts."

A woman entered the room, she sounded older. But I was blind, so was I to judge?

"Yes Katsuki, don't yell. You could hurt him even more. And we don't want that, do we?" The woman's voice became louder as her sentance continued.

"Ow ow ow! No, we don't! Just let me go, old lady!"

"Good, now come with me child." The woman removed my hand from the Prince's and put it in hers, wrapping her other hand around my back.

"Wait in here, you impatient boy!" I grinned, hearing her scold the Prince was mildly amusing.

The woman guided me to a table and let go of me.


I followed the woman's intructions as tiny peices of light began to flood through the bandages.

Soon, I could see again.

"Ah, thank you miss!" I grinned, earning one from her in return.

She was indeed an old woman. Her long grey hair was tied into a neat bun.

"You had many injuries, may I ask what happened?"

I sighed, "My palace was under attack by a group of rouge dragons. so I fought them off."

The woman only hummed as a response.

"Well, there are some clean clothes for you in the other room. Get changed and go wander off somewhere. I'll tell the prince that you fell asleep."

I grinned, jumping off of the table and running into the room.

"Thank you miss!"

I quickly changed into the spare clothes and opened the window next to me. I jumped out and began to run around the garden area. Not long after, I heard multiple explosions.

"Ugh! This boy will be the end of me!"


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