Five: Weeks

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It had been two weeks since I fell and 'vanished'. Red had been coming to my room every night until I fall asleep, but in the maintaining it was like he had never been there in the first place.

I plan to go to back to Kacchan's Palace tomorrow, maybe he'll let me go. 

I didn't bother to put a shirt as I walked downstairs into the living room.

"Oh hunny" She let's out a chuckle.

"I thought you were sleeping..." I look to her and Prince Todoroki was on a seat.

"Is this a meeting or something? Because I can go back to my room."

"Technically we were talking about where you could be hiding." She said, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

"Oh right, I'm supposed to be missing. I'm going to the garden." I pointed to the back door in the kitchen.

"No hunny, you can't." I ran up to my room and grabbed my throwing knifes, completely ignoring her. Faint arguing could be heard from behind the door, but I couldn't tell who it was. I grabbed one of my daggers and opened the door.

"No hunny wai-"

But it was too late.

"Hey Dad." I mumbled, throwing a knife at his face. It barely missed, but only because he stepped on some of my growing vegetables.

"Ugh, those took forever to grow."

"No one cares about your radishes fag." He said, squishing the raddish with his foot.

"How could you call your own son a fag?! Do you not love him?! Is there something wrong up there?!" Kacchan yelled, pushing my father.

I hadn't even noticed he was here until he screamed again.

"No! How could I love a murderer?!" Kacchan looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"I was protecting myself and my family, something that you should have done! But no! You just had to run off with another bitch!" This was the first time I had ever cursed at my father.

"After all the money you got from selling me away was gone, you left us to die!" My eyes flashed black, my father saw this and backed up. I was sobbing, I couldn't control my emotions.

"Izuku be careful!" My mother yelled, I guess she saw too.

"Son," My father barely spoke above a whisper. "I advise you not to do this in front of both of the Princes."

Ralsic, half dragon half demon. I hated myself for my secret race.

"I should have kept you in lab. Then you wouldn't have this monster inside of you." My eyes flashed yellow.

"Yeah, you probably should have." I jumped the fence and ran into the forest.

I'm a monster.

I'm a monster.

He's right. I can remember it like it was yesterday, but in reality it had been many years.

 - - - - -

"Mom! Don't let them take me away!"

I yelled, fighting the cloaked men as best as I could.

"He is strong, he will do good." One said to the others.

"You said that about all the other little abominations, and guess where they are now." One of them held my head up sot the other one could slide a tiny needle into my neck, causing me to black out.

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