New Years Eve: Goosebumps

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"5...", I sneak a last look over at the red Barnett watching for me off camera.
"4...", I wait patiently for the cameras to pan away.
"3...", we walk towards each other, smiling.
"2...", wrapping one arm around her small body, brushing her hair behind her ear and admiring her beautiful amber eyes.
"1...", our lips meet.


My first New Years kiss. With my girlfriend. 2019 is going to be a good'un. "Happy new year my darling!" I can't help the beaming smile on my face. I'm like the bloody Cheshire Cat. Putting her icy hands under my jacket and looking up at me, meeting my gaze, "Happy new year Joseph! Definitely the best start to 2019, if not the coldest as well." She laughs, pulling herself closer to me, shivering lightly.

"Alright lovebirds, make space for a little un! Captain of the ship coming through!" Stacey cheers, embracing both of us. "Sam has plans with the lads so you so you two can have my affection instead, come here Lady Di! Joey! Happy new year!" She places a kiss on Di's cheek and stretch's up to peck my cheek too. The three of us chat idly, shuffling from foot to foot in the chilly London air until the film crew call us back over to film the final segment. For this bit, Dianne is on screen too, so we huddle beside each other, jointing hands to sing Auld Lang Syne.

Finishing up outside, I hold Dianne against me as we scurry back inside to the heat. Getting back to my dressing room, I get changed and gather my things while Dianne curls up in the chair in the corner, playing on her phone. Once I'm ready to go, I walk over to Di and pull her into me again, burying my face in her hair. "Reunited and it feels so goooood,"I sing under my breath, "I've missed you, I'm so glad you're home." I mumble as I sway her gently. I feel her hands slide down to my waist and next thing I know...her freezing cold hands are against my bare chest!
"DIANNE! I take it back! Oh my god! You're so cold!" She just giggles and looks at me, "now I'm not!" Grabbing my bags and one of her icy hands, we head downstairs to meet the car. "Right you snowman, let's get you home," I say, wrapping her in my jacket and bundling her into the Uber.

On the journey home, I keep Dianne close to me, always with an arm around her. I never thought I'd be THAT guy...the guy who is completely obsessed with his girlfriend...but I missed her. After spending basically every day with her for the last 6months, it's too quiet without her or something.
I don't know.
Pulling up outside the apartment, I kiss her head quickly and move to gather my possessions. Heading up in the lift, I catch Di'a attention. "Hey Di! Pull my finger!" Rolling her eyes, she obliged and I fart.
"I'm disappointed Joseph, I'd only give you a 7 for that." She laughs, digging through her handbag as we exit the lift. What did I do to deserve someone with such a great sense of humour.

God I love this woman.

Dianne's POV:
Rustling through my handbag, searching for the keys, I head towards Joe's...I mean ours. Tugging on the Ariel key ring, I drag my keys out and open the door. "Shit Sorry Joe! I drift if left my bag and suitcase lying everywhere. I'll tidy up in a sec." I had about a 45minute turn around from arriving home from Australia to heading to meet Joseph so it looks like the Tasmanian Devil has struck. He just chuckles, " we can sort it tomorrow, let's just go to bed. You've been awake for what? 36hours now? On top of jet-lag-mess can wait my love. You need sleep!" I drop everything I was holding and wrap my arms around him from behind, nestling my face closer to his back. "I missed you Joseph. And I love you. And I missed you." I sigh happily. I loved being back in Oz with my family but I couldn't help missing Joe, even thought I took my mini Jospeh pillow with me.

"Right Reddo, let's go to bed. We can have a proper catch up tomorrow, I want extreme detail about everything! This can wait til tomorrow, it's not going anywhere and neither are you." He says smiling, leading me upstairs. As I head up to get ready for bed, Joe chucks me one of his t-shirts- boy knows me well! When I come back down, Joseph is nowhere to be seen but at this stage...I don't even care,I'm exhausted and cold. Flopping on the bed, I don't even bother to move on to my side of the bed. Joe can suck it up.

Just as I feel myself drifting off to dream land, Joe tumbles through the bedroom door, armed with various items; our fluffy blanket from downstairs, a hot water bottle, a packet of biscuits and some new fluffy socks. He really is so thoughtful. "Di, roll over darling, let me wrap you up, you're still shivering." He whispers, fussing around me and putting the new socks on my feet. "Well it's nearly 25 degrees colder here than in Bunbury...god the sun was so gooood!" I say, sleepily. He shuffles me gently onto my side of the bed, enclosing me in the blanket. I snuggle further down under my layers of covers as Joe settles down behind me. I feel his arms snake their way around my waist, holding the hot water bottle to my stomach and kissing my shoulder. "Back where you belong Di, let's get you warmed up. And thank you for coming tonight and supporting me, it really meant everything to me." Joe mumbles into my skin, half asleep, " I love you. I'm so thankful to be sharing 2019 with you. I promise I'll make it a good year for you."

I have goosebumps.

I don't know if it's because of the cold this time...Joe's words keep replaying in my head, giving me butterflies in my stomach.
Turning round to face him, letting him place the water bottle on my back now, I reach up to stroke his face before burying myself in his chest.

"I love you Joseph. Here's to 2019"

Placing one last kiss on his bare chest, I fall into a peaceful sleep.

Oneshots- Joe and Dianne 💜❤️Where stories live. Discover now