Pre-live tour: where it all began

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Joe's POV:
Last full day of peace and relaxation before the second chapter of my whirlwind strictly journey. This time there's no secrecy, no hiding. I get to perform with Dianne in front of thousands of people but not just as my dance partner, as my girlfriend. New costumes, new routines and new memories. And back to the team, Stace, Jannette, Aljaz, Johannes and everyone. Before we get there, I have actual work to do for YouTube and a few brands. I've spent the morning with Dianne, just lazing in bed, breakfast ( lovingly made by Di) even though she burnt her own...apparently she's vlogged it and I can't wait to edit that- the little vlogging nerd.

Dianne has taken such an interest in the scary world of YouTube and I'm not gonna lie, I love it. All I ever wanted to was someone who would understand my job but to take an interest in it? It's amazing. I know not that long ago, I had said I probably would show my girlfriend on camera but I reckon it would be impossible to keep Di off my camera! She's such a natural on-screen, not just because of her TV work but because she has the absolute best sense of humour- she's unintentionally funny. Maybe we should chat about getting her to start her own channel. Going on tour, she will probably be with me when I edit, I can teach her the basics. If there's one thing I know about Dianne- she loves a challenge. I mean...she even taught me to dance sober AND ended my decade of singledom.

Recently Di and I have been on the receiving end of a lot of publicity, some good but most of it pressuring or not so good. It usually doesn't bother me as such ( unless they are using my family to get to me.) but I don't want it getting to Dianne. After being followed almost the entire way to the Treehouse in December, I know it shook her a little. At the moment, the press seemed focused on Dianne and I getting married- we have only been together a few months.
Not saying I don't want to marry her but it's far too soon for a step like that, I love her but I don't want to rush it.
I've addressed it with my audience and of course Di and I have chatted about it but I can tell it's bringing her down, she hasn't said anything but I just know by her reactions. So today, I want to cheer Dianne up and spoil her before we head off on tour. I feel guilty, I know we spent the morning together but I've been locked up in my office for most of the afternoon, trying to get ahead with work. But now, time to head out somewhere and I think I know just the place.

Stretching, I bounce from my gaming chair and move towards the kitchen In search of my reddo. I can see her curled up in our loveseat. She LOVES that chair... I never really used it much before she waltzed into my life. It's kind of our place where we can just snuggle and pretend the world doesn't exist. Sneaking up behind her, her face is glued to her phone and hasn't noticed me.
She screams, dropping her phone and leaping upright. "Joseph! You ARSE! You scared the actual shit out of me! I hate you!" She groans, curling back up into a ball again. "I wondered what that smell was, couldn't you have gone to the toilet?" I tease before stroking her hair, "I'm sorry Princess. I couldn't help it! I'll make it up to you, what do you want to do today?" She goes back to scrolling through her phone,ignoring me. " I don't know Joseph. You're making it up to me, you decide." Smiling coyly to herself. "Alrighty then, go get ready beautiful, I'll take you somewhere special then. Dress warm."

I hope she will like it.

Dianne's POV:
"Joooooe? What should I wear? Give me a clue!" I yell down the stairs. He's taking me out somewhere but he won't tell me where- so not helpful when I'm trying to plan a nice outfit...NOT."ummm whatever you want my love but clothes is usually a good start! Especially when it's cold!" He retorts from somewhere distant-  great. Jeans and a warm jumper it is then. Adding the final touches to my look, I grab my furry headband, shoes, phone and coat and run downstairs. I'm halted halfway down by Joseph, who is sat vlogging at the bottom. "You ready?" He says, rolling his eyes dramatically at the camera. Knowing he is winding me up, I deliberately put my shoes on slowly, adjust them and drag my coat up in my arm. He cuts filming and reaches out his hand, " Alright Di, you win! Let's go." He chuckles.

We walk down the street, fingers entwined, chatting and laughing about everything and anything, with Joe vlogging bits of it. I know he stresses that I don't want to be on camera or that he is "exposing" too much of our relationship but I genuinely love it! I'm even beginning to steal his camera more and more...this tour is going to be brilliant!
Joseph had revealed earlier that he was taking me to the beach but off camera, he told me there was another stop on our trip.

Despite my disappointment in the so-called beach, I've had the nicest time just walking along the Thames, with my boyfriend and just messing around. Feeling myself begin to shiver, I tuck my body into Joe's side, "nearly there Di, promise it's warmer where we are going." He says, rubbing is hand up and down my back. I look around and spy the little cafe where we used to meet up during strictly, Gails I think,on the other side of the road. "Joseph..." He cuts me off, kissing me slowly but sweetly. "Back where it all began Dianne. I mean strictly technically started everything but it was here. Here where I first noticed just how beautiful you are. How funny you are and how amazing you are. It was that Wednesday before Blackpool, sitting here, where I realised that I am in love with you." He finishes his little speech, kissing me again. Reaching up to kiss him back passionately, I can't help but tease him a little. "You've gone soft Joseph Sugg. But I love you too. Forever and always."

Breaking apart, we cross the road and duck into Gails, placing our order before sitting in our usual spot at the back. It was easy to fall back into conversation, teasing each other when we drop food or say something daft. Halfway through the meal, Joe reaches across the table and takes my hand in his. I rub my foot against his leg. These little things...these are the moments I love the most.

Before we head back outside, Joe orders us both hot drinks to carry out with us. Continuing our journey down the Thames, I my eyes are drawn to the beautiful skyline. Pausing to take an Instagram, "so beautiful!" I gasp. I feel Joseph's chest against my right shoulder and his hands creeping around my waist. " beautiful," he murmurs into my hair before resting his chin on my head. Holding our position for a moment, I pull away and look up at him, "I want a picture of us. Here. Against the sunset Joe," I say softly and he walks away to set up his phone camera and the timer. Rushing back to my open arms, we grin at each other...
Joe leans in to kiss me deeply. I'm shocked to begin with but kiss him back quickly. It's not like Joseph to kiss me like this on camera but I'm not questioning it. Coming back to me, after lifting his phone, he wraps his arms around me from behind and I grin and say

"Might not be a rainbow connection but it is definitely pretty anyway."

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