The incident

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The incident

Legolas had stayed in Imladris for a couple of weeks and he was getting used to the differences between the culture of this predominantly Noldorin community and the silvan he had grown up within. The whole messy business with Gollum and his escape had left him in a terrible mood and he had blamed himself over and over again. But then again, the creature had been so very pitiful and he hadn't been able to keep the poor thing locked up in the dark dungeons. His own softness had been the thing to blame and he would never forget the words his father had spoken afterwards.

He shook his head and sighed, there was to be a council meeting, representatives of all the races were to be there and he wasn't looking forward to it. The only thing he did enjoy of his stay there was the good food, the good wine and the excellent bathhouse. Too bad he wasn't able to be alone there, he was always surrounded by many others. He hadn't known there were this many inhabitants in Imladris. At the moment he was sitting in one of the pools submerged to his shoulders and relaxing, he somehow knew that there would be hardships to come and he had no idea of how they were to solve the problem, but Elrond would most certainly come up with an answer.

He had spoken to Aragorn and Elladan and Elrohir too and none of them had blamed him, that made him feel a little bit better. He looked up, a tall ellon with long dark hair entered the bath and Legolas recognized him as Elrond's counsellor Erestor. He was a rather stern and strict ellon with a stone face and a rigid posture and Legolas had to hide a smirk. His father always claimed that some noldor acted as if they had a stick shoved up their back passage and this one did fit that description rather well. Erestor entered the pool and sighed with relief, he stretched himself and Legolas was shocked to hear a creaking sound. Was the counsellor really that tense? He had an important job for sure and it was probably stressing but Legolas had never met an elf who were so tense he was making sounds like that.

Erestor threw a swift glance at the prince, his eyes were tired and a bit glassy and Legolas started to feel a bit worried. Was something wrong with Erestor? He looked downright fatigued? Erestor sighed and closed his eyes, there was a haunted expression on his face and he groaned as he swung his head back and forth, eliciting even more creaking sounds from his neck and shoulders. Had he perhaps been wounded? Legolas knew that Erestor was rather old, he had fought with the last alliance and he could of course have received horrific injuries during that war. Erestor opened his eyes and made an almost sarcastic grin. "I see you wonder? Let me tell you one thing young prince, living in Imladris is sometimes like living in a goddamn war zone."

Legolas frowned. "What? But...this place is peaceful? Protected!"

Erestor shook his head with dark eyes and a grim expression upon his face. "Oh no it isn't, I feel like a fat mouse locked into a barrel full of cats!"

Legolas was shocked by the tired and dark tone in the counsellors voice and he started to feel worried indeed. Were there hidden dangers in this peaceful city? Erestor sighed and closed his eyes. "You know, this place was almost paradise for a while, it was such peace here, such tranquility. Oh how I miss those days!"

Legolas cocked his head. "My lord, I am not sure I do understand?"

Erestor rolled his eyes. "Sure you don't. You haven't had to spend the last millennia with those two...monsters!"

Legolas was not sure if he wanted to stay there any longer, he was seriously confused and a bit nervous too. The counsellor was obviously in a rather fragile state of mind and Legolas didn't want to witness a break down, he wouldn't know what to do! "Monsters?!"

Erestor growled. "Oh yes, monsters! And I am their favorite prey, I cannot even start to count the many times they have done some horrible prank and I was their victim. Last week they nailed my slippers to the floor, I fell nose first into my desk when I tried to walk, and the week before that they had poured a terribly irritating powder into my pants, I could barely walk for days. And then we have the time they shaved my head while I was sleeping, and the time when they had the seamstress make all my clothes just a little too small.... Ever since the incident life here has been a life living in fear, I am so glad when they are out on patrol."

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