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Alois' Narrative :

It was officially the day , where two stories join together and will be sharing their journey for the rest of their lives . Marriage is a big step in life , you're ready to accept how you want your life and not look back to the past but the future . It will always be full of surprises and I'm ready .

Alois POV:

Watching myself in the morning with this snow glowing white dress made me take a look forward to the future. I could feel the joyous feelings growing slightly more.
In the mirror I saw my mother in law in tears holding her hands together with a wide smile.
I turned around smiling as we both joined in for a hug.
" I'm so happy for you and my son, you're very beautiful, I'm very proud of the both of you, my loves." She said in a weak happy voice
I smiled holding back the tears , no one would want a ruined make up on their wedding day .
" thank you so much for everything , thank you for bringing Ciel to this world." I said in a soft voice.

We pulled away from the hug , she cleaned her tears away and brought back her brave smile .
" let's go everyone must already be waiting for us " She said when we heard the wedding piano keys play.
I nodded as we both turned to the door seeing Ciel's father open the door with a sweet smile " ready ?" He asked me.
I nodded walking over to him , Vincent was walking me down the alter since i has no one to do it but give Ciel's parents the honor.

Walking down the alter was the most magical and forever lasting fairy tale .
The white blossoms falling by the cool breeze , down the alter was standing the gorgeous looking Prince who will be my Husband and soulmate .
I couldn't help but smile as our eyes locked I could tell he was just excited as I was.
Vincent leaves my hands to Ciel's who takes them lightly into his giving a tight squeeze to it with a smile.
The scenery was just a beautiful large building build perfectly for a wedding room .
The priest began to say his verses from the Bible.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
Ciel said his vows .
"Alois, in finding you, my dreams have come true. In your love, I have found a home for my heart and soul. I, Ciel Phantomhive , take you, Alois Trancy, to be my husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and the love of my life. In the presence of God, our families and friends, I promise to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, in happiness as well as in sadness. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your aspirations, and to honor and respect you. This is my solemn vow."
I smiled I could just feel the tears in my eyes
It was now my turn for my vow
"I Alois Trancy take you,Ciel Phantomhive, to be my husband. I will share the good times and hard times by your side. I give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and promise my faith and love to you, till the end of time."

Mrs. Phantomhive walked over with the wedding rings we took them and placed them in our wedding fingers as the priest spoke.
" I pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss your bride"

Ciel and I leaned in for a passionate kiss , the invited family cheered and clapped for us as we turned and smiled at them.

We all went to the large ball room where there were tables everywhere and the food was prepared in the middle stood the tall wedding cake.
We all danced in the ball for about half an hour, before  Ciel and I sat down on the wedding couples table his parents sat next to us as we enjoyed the time .

As they were enjoying the food and talking I was quiet and went into my small zone .

I remember back a few weeks ago ..

He smiled happily " Mr. Trancy , what I'm trying to say is that you are having a child very soon."

" you're pregnant ."

Ciel doesn't know, i haven't told him about it yet , I'm too afraid. And most of all , I'm confused... how?
How is it possible to get pregnant? I'm a male not a female.

" Alois, you okay, honey?" I heard Rachel ask
I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled nodding " yes I'm just so happy I cannot believe these moments are truly happening."
She nodded and smiled turning back to her husband as she spoke with him.

I must tell Ciel soon, probably after our honeymoon I don't want to ruin anything I hope he does wants kids or i don't know what I'll do or what will happen..

" want cake?" Ciel asked me with a smile , I turned to him and laughed softly " you're asking me? I already know you want some that's why you're asking me" I wrapped my hand around his arm
He chuckled " you got me-" he leaned over to me and kissed my lips .
" yes I want cake." I pecked his lips.
" let's go cut it." He playfully kisses my lips repeatedly.
I laughed and nodded as we stood up we walked over to the cake in the middle of the room everyone gathered up together in a large circle as me and Ciel took a sword and held it together cutting a piece of cake.
We gave out cake for everyone and we sat back down eating Ciel would take the cake icing and put it on my face I would get him back we laughed together .
I got up " let me wash this off now I'm going to the restroom " I excused myself and Ciel nods
I walked down the empty hall to the restroom when I saw a figure walking towards me.
It looked familiar when he was close to me , my eyes widened in shock as my hands began to tremble I could just feel my insides freeze as the voice between smiles spoke

" hello , Alois ."

Ciel X Alois【Lasting Love】Where stories live. Discover now