〖♡ Ten ♡〗

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alois narrative :

this is the moment where you can't lie , you're too scared with what's happening in front of you . i couldn't believe that ciel has grew anger up inside him , he's never been like this with me before and that's what hurts . i can't lie to him , he has his ways to dig up til the truth , and ciel is very serious i know him ... he will have people all over me to test me if i'm lying . who knows what he will do to me if he finds out the truth while i was feeding him with lies ... everything you say or do comes with  a price ...
i don't even want to know what goes into his mind at a time like this .. i rather tell the truth because i can't lie to my husband it's in the vows.

alois's pov :

" i'm... pregnant." i said after that there was silence my eyes looked up to see his reaction but his angry expression dropped, he was surprised.

" you're pregnant?" he asked wanting to be reassured i saw his ocean eye glance at my stomach.

i held my hands together so nervous but nodded in response " yes." is all i could say i didn't want to talk more , i will just answer all the questions he has honestly, whatever i say i don't want to cross the line .

" how long?" his ocean eye stared at my bright blue orbs " a week." i squeezed my hands together and i saw him ran his hand on his hair " we haven't fucked for months ,though we did last night but you're a week old pregnant?" his tone was deep you could hear him confused and annoyed.

" how is this even possible. did you fuck a creature out of this planet?" he looked at me and i wanted to smack him hard but he's stronger than me. " tell me who did you fuck , who's responsible for getting you pregnant? then tell me how is it even possible you're pregnant are you a female?" he asked too much he was on the edge of his seat wanting answers.

" believe me when i tell you all this ... " i was nervous but there's no way to escape we are in this topic now . " i'm pregnant with shieru's child." i finally got that out of my chest i felt like i wasn't drowning anymore, i looked at ciel as he was quiet and just thinking inside his head .

" you really loved him didn't you ? you both really made it this far to have a family. i knew it.. i knew that when you slipped out of my hands and he had you.. i knew you were out there planning things with him. you know.. this imagine i am" he chuckled and turned to the counter not looking at me i could see his side but his hair covered his face . " can't believe you helped him paint me as the bad guy here. spend months after months to get you back, you humiliated me making me beg on my knees to have you back into my life. but you loved him more. i get that. i get i made horrible fucking mistakes. that was my worst fear , alois . losing someone after they found out the truth about me , all of me , my life is so fucked up i don't even deserve to make myself happy, you were my only option to help me believe i was finally going to be happy for the rest of my life, but no .. you're pregnant with shieru and that poor bastard is dead and left you here with his child . i thought we would finally live happy after he was gone, don't get me wrong , after what he did for us out there in his last moments, i loved him for that . he was in the way between us but " he let out a stiff laugh " you choose him . i know you do , you are always uncomfortable around me , you talk in your sleep and i hear his name coming out of your mouth, all you think about is shieru. but sorry to break it to you honey , he's dead. " he told me as there was a small pause.

i started to feel guilty it was true, my heart fell more in love with shieru than with ciel , it wasn't because of how ciel was made into .. but the fact that he damaged me enough i make my heart fear to be damaged more. shieru has never hurt me he was always focused on my well being and how these past dreams i had about him only made me fall in love with shieru more.

" im angry that i was the first one to find you, it was easy for my brother to snatch you away from me and actually make you love him. if only i could go back in time , i would change everything but since i can't , there's only one way i can actually change." he spoke as i looked at him and he turned to me

" you're getting an abortion. i told you i don't want kids especially not a kid coming from my brother. tomorrow we take you to get an abortion." he said and walked to our room.

i had tears falling and anger flamed inside me i ran after ciel grabbing his arm in the middle of the hallway pulling him to me " No! i'm having this child whether you like it or not! you are a fucking murder!" i yelled at him.

he was shocked but then he glared at me. " so shieru really did changed you so much . i can't believe it . "

" you manipulated me. fed me lies had me waiting for you day and day but you were out there working for your aunt . if you really loved me you would have stopped working for her , but you didn't , you never did , and we came here because you have business with her , your disgusting dirty work with her . you're still a murder like you always been." i let go of him

ciel didn't look sad and he definitely didn't look happy .
i felt a painful smack across my cheek,  i didn't move after the slap tears rolled down my cheeks .
" you're being a bad spouse . " with that said he walked away slamming the door hard leaving me there to cry .

alois's narrative:
but like i said...
everything you say or do comes with  a price ...
i lost everything.

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