〖♡ Nine ♡〗

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alois's pov :

i woke up next morning looking at my side seeing ciel asleep in his sweats. i was still naked from the previous night , i must have cried myself to sleep and i didn't even know.
i got out of bed feeling so heavy , i walked to the bathroom closing the door behind me and locked it i looked up to my side and gasped seeing i grew bigger , bigger than yesterday this isn't a full meal looking belly now, this is when i should start the famous excuse that i'm fatter.
i wasn't upset seeing myself big, i felt a smile growing across my lips, resting my hands on my stomach.

i felt... happy.

so happy i couldn't describe this feeling.

i turned on the shower waiting for it to warm up, i could hear behind the door some noises, ciel must got up and changing or something.
" love, im running late for the meeting i'll come back later!" he shouted . i was getting inside the shower and yelled back " okay be safe!" i smiled when water was running on my skin, i let out a soft sigh closing my eyes in relaxation letting the water soak into my hair.

with my eyes closed i couldn't help but imagine the future, my baby being born and holding him or her into my arms. i can't wait to be a mother.

i washed my body and rubbed my stomach cleaning it in circles humming a sweet song when i was done i grabbed the towel on the side and dried my body and hair , i heard the door open and close from the front " alois-! " the female yelled i knew it was sieglinde she is probably here to check up on me. i walked out and quickly got into comfortable clothes a large shirt and some leggings. i had to buy bigger clothes and comfortable ones because i can't squeeze my baby into my jeans. i walked out the room and smiled upon seeing her she squealed and hugged me " there you are! woah!" she looked down and placed her hands on my stomach " little baby is growing up in there." she giggled " yeah they are. also sieglinde what brings you here?" i asked

" well, i was bored alone and i had to come check if you have any pain." she pulled me to the couch as we sat down to talk.

" no i'm fine it's all good for now." i smiled " but... have you found a way to bring back the dead ?" i asked curiously. she looked at me and smiled resting her hands on top of mine " alois. stop thinking about that okay? i know i can't bring back the dead, no one can. look you'll do good —" i interrupted her " sieglinde i keep thinking of shieru.. i can't ... i don't know, i can't stop it either. and honestly this is ruining my relationship with ciel, i don't feel comfortable i feel like everything is a mistake things went too fast i wasn't ready." i frowned as she held my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. " baby look at me." she lifted my chin up " you'll be a good momma with or without the father . i know things are messed up and you fear ciel will reject you and the baby but i promise if ciel reacts in a way he's not supposed to he will get what he deserves." she smiled .

" i don't know.. i'm stupid. this isn't exactly how i wanted my life to be. when i met ciel i thought we would have these magical love like in the movies and live happily ever after like in every princess story. but look at where i am, i'm pregnant with the man i loved but he's gone, and married to the man i loved but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. " i felt tears into my eyes but i held them back.

" alois, i promise things will get better, once you deliver your little angel nothing will matter but your child. i'm sure ciel and shieru wont matter anymore, your mind and heart will be focused on your baby." she smiled at me once more . she isn't wrong , when i was in the bathroom i felt so happy just seeing my stomach growing, i was excited to be a mother.
i nodded at her and smiled " you're right . also we should go shopping for clothes i need maternity clothes so bad ." i giggled
her eyes lit up in stars and she quickly nodded.  " let's go!" she pulled me out as i put some comfortable sneakers on and walked out the house with her we went to a mall a couple of miles away from the resort , we spend all day until it was getting late buying clothes and looking at baby stuff.

when i came back home the sun was already gone and the stars were out. i walked in with the bags seeing ciel drinking, i hope he isn't drunk, i couldn't read his expression " baby—" i smiled at him. he looked at me and smiled back getting out of his chair and walked to me " went shopping?" he kissed my forehead as i nodded " yeah i went with sieglinde we were out all day i didn't expect you to be here first , when did you came back?" i asked
" not long ago so it's fine . " he grabbed my bags and placed them aside he cupped my cheek and began to kiss my neck.
i felt uncomfortable and placed my hand on his arm to stop him " ciel.." i frowned
he continued to kiss me and pinned me against the door " i want to punish you." he growled in my ear , i got so alerted i pushed him off i didn't want him to hurt me , i can't have any pain it's no good for the baby.

he glared at me " the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yelled at me as i leaned back against the door " i can't fucking touch my spouse what the fuck!" he growled " what did i do?! huh? you're fucking retarded now, alois?!" he shouted at me i saw him walk over to the table pushing off all the drinks and glasses as they fell to the floor shattering and the liquor spilling everywhere. i was scared . so scared of this ciel i felt tears rushing down my cheeks just seeing ciel so angry i tried to speak but i whimpered " you're my spouse and you're supposed to treat me like your husband i'm fucking tired i came home early to be with you but this is what you fucking pay me back with?!" he stared at me with a death glare .

held back my sobs " ciel... i.."

" you what?!" he looked at me so furious like a fucking demon who would eat my fucking head off .

" ciel ... i'm—"

should i tell him?

Ciel X Alois【Lasting Love】Where stories live. Discover now