Hunter Mads Oneshot

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I trudged my way through the camp, wading through fallen leaves and twigs, catching my chemise on dry brambles. Mads's tent was all the way across the other side of our vast encampment, past the creek and amongst a field of ferns. As I trekked, John's words rang in my ears; "If I was you Miss, I would choose Mads. He'll probably be the gentlest for you in the... marital duties." His rust-colored eyes were cast to the ground, sorry for the obligation of every girl in our community; Married off at twenty to the best provider to raise more strong men to hunt and fend off intruders. I had only seen Mads a few times in passing. He and the other hunters were usually gone for a week at a time.

Mads's small tent came into view, a billowing mass of gray canvas nestled in the dry ferns. My pulse jumped as I approached the door. I hastily pinched my cheeks and tore through my hair before speaking. "Hunter Mads? I'm here. Your...bride. That is... if you'll have me-"

"Don't stand there in the cold." A low and disinterested voice came from inside. I instinctively fumbled with the tent flap and stepped inside. The tent was relatively bare, with only a small bed and a few necessities hanging from the poles. Standing at the foot of the bed was Mads, shirtless and looking cynical. In the dim light, I could barely see his dark eyes as they studied me through heavy lids. His lips were drawn tight in a thin pout. Gray stubble stretched over his clenched jaw, matching the platinum hair that covered one eye. Strong, calloused hands gripped the shirt he had just removed. Lean arms lead into sloping shoulders on a broad chest covered by fine silver hair.

I stood there frozen, admiring his impressive body, especially the hands that had loosed countless arrows during hunting parties. Mads narrowed his eyes and unclenched his jaw. "You're not what I expected." He tossed his shirt on the bed and took a step forward. "I thought for sure the elders would have matched me with some fat set of child bearing hips." I stared at him with nervous owl eyes. My throat cracked before I could speak.

"Are you...pleased, sir?" I shifted my weight and folded my hands nervously. Did such a good-looking man really want a sow to be his wife? Mads reached out to claw a strand of my hair and examine it before looking me in the eye.

"We'll see in the wedding bed tomorrow night." His tone was flat, matter-of-factly.

"To...morrow?" He released my hair and turned to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Yes. Tomorrow. I am tired. I would rather rest," He droned as he pulled off his boots and gave me another cynical gaze. "Before we get to any serious business, let's make sure we can at least sleep together." He motioned to the other side of the bed. I stood motionless, confused, overwhelmed. "Unless you would prefer to sleep on the ground..." He patted the bed with one authoritative motion and I scurried to sit on the other side and unlace my boots.

As I turned to face him, Mads eased back with a throaty wince. He stared at the ceiling and pulled the blankets over him. I laid down, scooting to the very edge of my side and folding my hands anxiously over my chest. "Why are you doing that?" He demanded in that same low voice.

"I-I'm giving you more space to be comfortable." Mads grabbed my elbow and pulles me to the center of the bed. Heart racing, I stared at him with a confused expression. I rolled slightly onto my side and Mads did the same, throwing his arm around my waist and nestling his face in my hair. His soft inhale tickled my ear and rushed down my spine.

"It's cold tonight. Stay close to me." I stared at the dimming tent interior, conflicted by the soothing warmth of his body and my discomfort in his unfamiliar arms. In a few minutes, a soft snore was rattling my eardrums and Mads was fast asleep. Not daring to move for fear of waking him, I eventually fell asleep from holding a stiff pose.


Just as my mind began to stir, I became aware of how warm I was. With a groan I stretched and snuggled closer to the source. My eyes snapped open when I felt the warmth shift, a hand wrapping around my shoulder. I rolled to my other side to see Mads staring back at me. I felt my cheeks flush under his cynical eyes that shone like amber in the morning light. "Good morning," I muttered as I tugged my chemise back over my shoulders. Mads continued to stare, his dry expression unwavering as his chest swelled with each slow breath. I cast my eyes down with his lack of a reply and made to leave the bed. "I should prepare for the ceremony-" A strong hand snatched my wrist. I turned my head to face Mads with wide eyes.

Hunter Mads Mads Mikkelsen x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now