s i x t e e n

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we are now in the eiffel tower, as it is dark - the view makes everything better.
"so do you wanna go up?" hero asks
i nod, i cant believe that he organised this.
he takes my hand and we walk to the lift, we both get into the lift and i lean my head on his chest.
"i love you" i mumble
"you what?" he questions
i move my head from his chest, restyling my hair and i repeat my sentence.
"i love you"
a huge smile grows on his face and he kisses my forehead. soon, we are at the top and we exit the lift. the view from up here is beautiful, you can see the lights, the cars and all the buildings. did hero know that i wanted to come here?
once we have taken pictures and all, we go to the restaurant to have dinner.
we are now seated at our table and i decided on some spaghetti bolognese and some garlic bread - with a coke. hero got meatballs and pasta - with a fanta. he also ordered a side of fries for us both to share.
i look at the beautiful view as i eat my food. i am happy, i am genuinely happy. the feeling of being happy feels so foreign and i want to enjoy it.
"i have a surprise" hero says, standing up out of his chair.
i admire his tall figure and smile - he is so beautiful and i cannot quite believe that he is mine.
i am snapped out of my thoughts when hero gets down on one knee, he has a black box in his hand.
he opens the black box and reveals a beautiful silver ring, it's stunning - not like any other ring i have seen before. it looks a lot like a ring that i wanted a few months back.
then he starts talking.
"jo, you are my everything. my life, my happiness. we have been through so much and we're getting there - we are happy. i have made some very stupid, stupid mistakes. but you forgave me. then we had the baby situation. that was a rough patch but we got through it together. i love you josephine eliza langford."
everyone is looking at us, with big cheesy grins on their face. i can't help but cry.
"will you marry me?" he asks
"yes" i say.
hero takes my hand and slides the ring onto my finger. i stand up out of my seat and hug him tight.
"i will never let you go" he whispers in my ear.
we move out of the hug and then sit back down at our table. i slide the ring off, to admire it properly and i see that there is engraving inside.
"forever - h"
i slide it back onto my finger and hero watches me, smiling with his cute little dimples.
"i love you" i say
the waiter comes to our table and he gives us a fudge cake thing, it's like a cup. he places one plate on my side of the table, another on hero's side of the table. with it is a small cup of cream.
"we're getting married baby!" hero exclaims before tucking into his desert.
i can't believe it, i'm getting married to the man of my dreams.

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