n i n e t e e n

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jo isn't next to me, i look around our room confused. then, i see a note on her bedside table;
gone for a run, i'll be back in a bit xxx
i sigh and lay back down, i'm so tired. i lay down in the duvet, my eyes begin to become heavy - my body is pleading me to go back to sleep. i decide to attempt to sleep, jo might be home in a few hours.. i don't know.
after about 45 minutes, i hear jo coming up the stairs - i'm still half asleep. i fell asleep for a few minutes then i woke up to a stupid email notification.
the door creaks open and jo is there, with her hair up into a ponytail and she looks hot and sweaty.
"i look like an absolute pig please dont" she says, the way she says pig is funny.
jo sits down on the end of the bed, kicking her shoes off and then moving her body up to where im laying.
"when did you leave?" i ask her, pushing back any hairs that is in her face.
"uhh about an hour and a half ago" she says.
i nod my head, burying my face into my pillow. i feel jo's body move next to mine - she puts her arm around my waist and she kisses the back of my neck.
i look up and she's has a huge grin on her face.
i love this girl so much, she has my entire heart.
jo hides her face in my chest and i smile, she is the cutest most beautiful woman i've laid eyes on.
"you're so cute" i say
"come lets go have breakfast" she says, getting off the bed.
she moves to the other side of the bed and pulls my arms, attempting to get me off of the bed.
i jump out of the bed and i tell her to get on my back, i thought it'd be funny.
"no" she says stubbornly, crossing her arms.

we're now eating breakfast, i'm eating some frosted flakes and jo's eating a bowl of fruit.
"if we didn't meet each other.. i wonder what i'd be doing" jo says randomly.
she's staring at her ring, as it shines beautifully in the light.
"i think i'd be very lonely" i say, laughing
"or i'd be dead" jo says, laughing just as much as i was.
she knows that isn't funny, she knows that she was on the verge of death - if i never stopped her, no one would've.
"that's not funny" i mumble, eating another spoon of my cereal.
"sorry" she says, jumping off the kitchen stool and hugging me from behind.
i put my cereal spoon down and hug her back, my heart breaks slightly. because i would've been dead too.

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