3. you're nice

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jungkook stepped into the little bed n breakfast, onto a shoe carpet that said "welcome!" in a swirly font and had lil birds on it. it was a big lobby; with one side filled with soft couches and chairs to wait around in and a thicc mahogany wood desk in the corner.

comfy warm lamps lit up the room and a small sign that read "home sweet home." jungkook looked around curiously, eyebrows furrowed, wondering where the desk lady was.

suddenly, he heard someone clumsily running down the stairs, and a tall (but not as tall as jungkook) boy with moppy chestnut hair awkwardly peeked around the corner at jeongguk, who had his hands frustratedly shoved in his pockets.

grabbing the side of the stairs and shyly stepping down from the stairs into the lobby, the boy waved nervously. he was wearing black slacks and a button-up white shirt with little wire frame glasses slipping off his nose. he looked at jungkook suspiciously. "y-you need a room?"

jungkook wasnt expecting his voice to be that low, but it wasn't a scary gravel-y low, it was a warm deep low, like sweet honey. "yeah," jeongguk said muffled-y through his mask. "get the desk lady."

the boy crossed his arms and glared over his heavy glasses. "i am the desk lady," he pouted, holding a pile of papers, trying not to drop them all over the floor.

"oh, uhm, in that case, can i have a room i guess?"

"sorry, i don't help people who hide their faces from me." the boy made his way over to the desk, setting his papers down and looking over his shoulder at jungkook who was noticeably agitated. "it's bed n breakfast policy."

jungkook paused for a second, deciding whether or not to take it off. he could literally be caught and everything could come crashing down in one second just because some mouthy moppy haired boy was teasing him.

jungkook fake coughed into the sleeve of his windbreaker. "can't. i have a cold."

the boy traced the papers with the tips of his dainty fingers, leaning on his desk, and hummed. "oh really? what kind? i bet you have a prescription. do you know what kind?"

jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled the mask down under his chin again. "better? can i have a room now?"


the boy slid into his desk chair, still suspicious of jungkook. he had tan skin, rosy cheeks, brown eyes and delicate eyelashes that made him look so pretty.


jungkook didn't stumble. "bogum, hyo."

"okay. um— birthdate?"

fuckfjdkcj. "september first, nineteen-ninety seven."

"how many nights are you planning on staying?"

"uh, one."

the boy frowned slightly and rolled his eyes, writing in dainty cursive on the guest book, grabbing pens from the drawer filled with them. "okay???"

jungkook frustratedly ran his hand through his hair and shut his eyes. looking up at the ceiling, he pulled out his 9mm from his back pocket and set it onto the desk in between the two of them. "listen, honey-boy, if you keep up your cutesy lil game with me i'm gonna loose my mind and i'll hurt you. please stop???"

the boy had his hands paused in the air, his bambi eyes wide and in shock staring back at jungkook. his breath hitched every time the man blinked. he seemed so calm for just threatening his life, running his hands through his hair, locks softly falling over his stern face. it's like it didn't even happen. he didn't even want to ask about payment in case he kiLLED HIM.

"o-okay, heres your r-room key, have a nice sleep, s-sir."

jungkook sighed, taking the key and heading to the hallway with an elevator. before he disappeared, the boy yelled at him, rushing up from the desk.


"what???" jungkook snapped at him, glaring over his shoulder annoyedly at the boy desperately staring at him and weirdly smiling.


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