48. six feet under

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hunger pangs became an hourly event as taehyung continued to lay in bed.

when he thought being alone couldn't get any worse, he heard the door to the suite click, and without a thought, sat up.

serotonin rushed through his body as he recognized jungkook's familiar knock.

jungkook smiled as he sees what's been clouding his thoughts these past twenty four hours; kim taehyung.

his stone cold eyes suddenly seemed warm.

taehyung quickly broke eye contact as his bottom lip pouted and he narrowed his eyes, retreating back to the bed and adjusting the blankets in attempts to make it look more presentable and like he wasn't crying over everything for the past day.

jungkook took a seat on the edge on the bed. he tried to collect his thoughts in a sophisticated manner but it wasn't working.

taehyung examined his face; a darkened eye and and a few cuts.

"hey," jungkook said, running a hand through the smaller boy's ashy hair.

taehyung didn't want to wait any longer.

"jungkook," taehyung said defiantly, delicately sounding out each letter of his name. "p-please don't push me away this time."

with that, thoughts blurred into abysses, jungkook's hands trailing over taehyung's honey skin.

"i love you," taehyung managed to murmur in half forced between kisses. taehyung's lips trembled as jungkook decorated them with a precious type of sweetness.


for once, it was perfect.

just everything.

something about the way jungkook rocked back and forth above taehyung made him wild with feelings never felt before.

while blankets and sheets feeling extra soft beneath them, jungkook's thoughts were ablaze.

baby. angel. love of my life.

breathlessness attacks taehyung's thoughts as pleasure melted into euphoria and over and over again.


taehyung lay breathlessly, his tan limbs looking angelic upon the white blankets.

jungkook thinks back to the past.

taehyung hating him. taehyung being afraid of him. taehyung... just taehyung, man. it was a lot.

unbeknownst to him, taehyung is having similar thoughts.

all the fights. all the fear. all the untrue statements and beliefs.

"i love you so much," jungkook murmured while stroking taehyung's messy hair. "please don't leave me yet. actually, don't leave me ever. not ever."

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