4. goodnight

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"i'm nice???" jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at that remark, left frozen and trying to find the right words to say back. "i just—???"

the boy shyly looked down at his shoes, which were grey converse that didn't match his work uniform at all, and also tried to figure out what to say. he had a blank look on his pretty face, eyes wandering past jungkook who stared at him in awe. but not good awe, like, why are you literally so dumb awe.

"i'm not nice," jungkook hissed, pulling his mask to cover his face again and stepping back. "if you're so big on bed n breakfast policy, then you should know you're kinda invasive."

"am not!" the boy's mouth dropped a little and his eyebrows raised in offence, his hand almost covering his lips. "it's just not everyday that someone interesting comes here, ya know. you're interesting."

jungkook sighed. he was here to run away from his past and start fresh, but he already ruined it by waving a gun around in some poor boy's face. by morning he'd probably recognize him from the news and report him and all of korea's police would drag him out into the streets. he knew he deserved it, being a murderer and all, but he was the type of murderer that's not supposed to be caught. it hurt him to imagine this boy, hiding behind his desk in his ugly stupid shoes, telling police officers what happened and how some scary criminal murderer threatened him for literally no reason. jeongguk decided he'd have to run for it sneak out before the sunrise, get back on the train and call his boss to tell him he failed (again.)

"mm. well, goodnight," jungkook tried to escape the awkward conversation. he paused for a second and pulled out fifty dollars from his pocket to pay for the room, careful not to grab the paper slip with his fake identity on it to incriminate himself even more. "just don't tell anyone, kay? you'll never see me again and this'll all be over soon," he reassured the boy, cupping the bills in his nervous hands.

the boy looked up at him, still wide-eyed, with the crumpled bills in his dainty hands. the dim warm lights illuminated his brown eyes and little gold flecks wandered around in them, soft glares on his glasses reflecting on the clean white painted walls. "o-okay. but only because you're nice, because well, i don't usually do well with scary people trying to shoot me. goodnight mr. hyo."

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