33. special criminal

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it was weird. comparing criminals.

he decided that jungkook was a special criminal, not like this one. this one was all smug and arrogant. jungkook might have been cocky, but he wasn't sickening about it.

taehyung carefully watched whatever city they were in disappear behind them, wondering if jungkook was chasing after him.

glimpsing at stop lights and street signs and small janky shops with bright coloured stucco siding, taehyung thought back to jungkook's words the other night.

"yeah, me too."

did that mean they were boyfriends? was jeon jungkook his boyfriend???? was jungkook even gay?

taehyung let his gaze fall to his hands in his lap. he wasn't even sure if he was gay. he'd heard of people developing feelings for each other in intense situations, maybe it was just that.

but that didn't change how he felt. how when he thought of jungkook, his heart got all fuzzy and his shoulders melted in a way no one else made him.

jungkook was probably just drunk. he seemed like the type to kiss random people when drunk.

jungkook was probably mad at the moment. jungkook was probably punching things. or throwing things.

taehyung's brain was pretty much hijacked. in what world would a notorious criminal fall in love with some boy basically from a farm town and be on his way to rescue him from some annoying guy smirking at him in the rear view mirror?

in a way, he didn't fear whoever his current abductor was. he felt bad for him. jungkook could do better.

speaking of jungkook, he was currently on a rescue mission, accompanied with hoseok babbling away about something stupid beside him.

the anger still hadn't subdued, apparent as jungkook's knuckles turned white gripping the steering wheel. hoseok was popping yogurt covered pretzels in his mouth that he forced jungkook to stop at a gas station to buy.

why is he like thisss, he cursed in his head as he took the less suspicious route with less big buildings and skyscrapers, instead they were going under tunnels and bridges on the freeway.

hoseok was still in his pajamas. jungkook was back in his black t-shirt and jeans.

hoseok was about to start another sentence, but jungkook cut him off while simultaneously cutting off another car.

"i know where he's going, hoseok," jungkook said sharply.

hoseok just shrugged and chewed on another pretzel, briefly staring out the window.

he sucked as a mafia boss.

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