39. vanilla

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regardless of anything, previous kidnappings, being locked in a storage closet all day, and hunger pangs, taehyung flopped onto the bed, inhaling the shockingly pretty scent of lavender on the sheets, ruffling his hair into the pillows.

their hair was slightly damp from running in the rain down the crappy sidewalk to the entrance of the motel. to jungkook's high standards, the room obviously didn't really compare, and to taehyung's cleaning obsession, it also didn't compare. but it was comfy and the bed was extra big.

jungkook smiled at the sight of taehyung being relaxed as he set a backpack filled with taehyung's clothes down on the tv bench.

jungkook didn't want to interrupt taehyung's peace, so instead he joined him by flopping onto the other side of the bed.

taehyung looked up at jungkook's sudden movement with shocked eyes and then smiled a little. his smiles were like gentle caresses to his already perfect face. "hey."

"hey," jungkook propped himself up on his elbow. "we can't exactly order five star room service and cheese plates, but how about some mcdonald's?"

taehyung couldn't even start with a "mcdonald's is the number one cause of obesity, etc etc etc" speech because his tummy gurgled right at that moment.

jungkook smiled. his smiles were like mistakes on a sculpture of the handsomest man in the world, once in a lifetime. "yeah?" he said as he hopped up to grab his cell phone.

taehyung couldn't help but giggle as jungkook almost started bouncing when talking about food.

"we don't have a menu," jungkook disappointedly mouthed while covering the speakers.

taehyung crossed his legs and scream whispered, "chicken nuggets," from the bed.

"five orders of chicken nuggets," jungkook stated into the phone and added, "french fries, and two cokes."

by the time their food came and was left outside of the creaky door, taehyung was so sleepy he was wrapped up in a sweater from jin.

"wait, i've got something," jungkook pulled out cheap plastic wine glasses from the complimentary drawer and smiled goofily.

"my coke tastes funny," taehyung said, to which jungkook looked at him critically.

"vanilla," he simply said.

taehyung cheersed his plastic wine glass with bubbly vanilla coke in it and popped a salty french fry in his mouth.

"its only been a goddamn day. it feels like forever," jungkook smiled up at the ceiling feeling serantonin rush through his brain.

"it is forever, jungkook," taehyung said quietly. "to me."

"you're daring lately," jungkook looked over at the other boy who wasn't paying attention to him.

"well, i kinda have to be after all of this, you know."

"so you're saying i did you a favour?"

taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

a smirk burst into a full on laugh on jungkook's face as his bunny teeth were revealed. taehyung grinned as he prepared to attack jungkook.

"namjoon told me you beat him up a little," jungkook laughed.

"yeah, you better watch out, mr. jeon," taehyung smirked and made little nonthreatening fists.

suddenly, taehyung noticed jungkook had a white feather from the pillows in his hair.

"y-you've got something on your face," taehyung pointed softly, but was scared by the act of actually touching jungkook. that's all he'd wanted to do for the past few days, but when he had the opportunity, he was terrified.

"then get it," jungkook said too cockily.

taehyung raised his arm to swipe away the feather out of jungkook's bangs but stopped himself.

jungkook seemed taken aback as he kept his distance.

"what's wrong?"

he was so tired of that. every time he thought they were good, they weren't.

"jungkook, i wasn't lying when i said i like you," and what namjoon said today isn't true. he was just trying to get to you, you're not a monster, and i'm not going to be traumatized, it's not stockholm syndrome," taehyung poured his heart out as he picked at lint on the blanket. "and i'm sorry for kissing you."

"taehyung," jungkook's voice deepened. "lets save this for another time, kay?"

taehyung felt his cheeks blush with embarrassment for saying any of that. "sorry."

"hey," jungkook's voice was deep and sleepy as he called taehyung.

taehyung loved when he said hey. so gentle and warm.

"look at me." jungkook's eyes softened as he tried to make taehyung look him in the eyes. "i wasn't lying either."

taehyung looked offended. "you were drunk."

"i'm not drunk now, am i?"

taehyung didn't answer because he wanted his actions to speak louder than his words. he softly let his head rest in his lap.

"good?" jungkook asked gently to which taehyung nodded softly, even though he wasn't too sure if he was or not.

"to be honest, feeling like i lost you was the worst feeling ever," jungkook whispered into the nothingness and white noise. "won't let it happen again."

jungkook stroked the boy's chestnut hair as they asleep together, the tv leaving a soft white glare over their faces and mcnuggets boxes left haphazardly on the foot of the bed.

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