19. cherry brown eyes

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"bed n breakfast boy?"

jungkook called his name (he felt like they weren't exactly on the base of first names yet,) approaching the cabin in the warm weather, with the sun glaring in his cherry brown eyes.

there wasn't an answer at the door.

"shit," jungkook sighed, resting but more like banging his head against the door as he unlocked it.

"hi," a solemn looking taehyung came out of the bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind him.

jungkook set the brown paper bag of groceries out of his hands and onto the counter, pretending not to have seen the boy as his eyes blinked, adjusting to the light.

he returned his gaze to taehyung, who was impatiently circling the button left on the cuff of his dirtied dress shirt with his ring finger in the doorway.

"looks clean," jungkook forced a smile. taehyung looked concerned by it. 

jungkook just wanted to say it.

"listen," jungkook started explaining. "i haven't spent this much time with a normal person. i like it."

"well, i'm glad to hear you like hanging out with your hostage," taehyung shot jungkook a sarcastic tight lipped smile, lazily sliding onto the couch and resting his chin on top of his folded arms, eyeing jungkook with something alike to apathy.

jungkook exhaled deeply.

"what is up with you? acting like you know me? acting like you understand my life when you can't even understand my job?"

taehyung felt the blood rush to his cheeks.

"because you expect me to understand your job!!!" taehyung shot up, leaning over the back of the soft couch.

"i didn't choose to be born to a mafia family and it's impossible to escape. so shut up."

taehyung was about to say something but held his breath, eyes stinging as small tears rolled down his flushed cheeks.

he looked like a baby about to start a tantrum.

"no, god, not more crying," jungkook rolled his eyes, plopping his forearms onto the counter beside the sink. the stress lines on his forehead were appearing.

"i'm sorry, mr. jeon," taehyung stared, pressing his plump lips together, holding back sobs.

jungkook rolled his eyes.

he wished he didn't have a guilty conscience, it would have made his life so much easier.

it was like taehyung anchored everything going on right now, even if he was the most annoying person in the world.

he got up from the sink, hoping taehyung would catch his drift.

in a moment, taehyung sprang off his feet and wrapped his weepy arms around jungkook, just tall enough to reach around his firm torso, and buried his head in his shoulder. as if it was exactly what he needed.

jungkook felt relief wash over him. "better?"

taehyung smiled. jungkook could feel it. "better."

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