Chapter 5- Finding You

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A/N: Thank you LannaLlamas for giving me ideas for this chapter! ❤

Chris' Point of View

I thought about Eddie all day, during band practice.

He never left my mind. Something about him- something about Eddie kept him on my mind.

Maybe it was the way his blue eyes felt comforting. Maybe it was because of his soft, angel like hair. Maybe it was his shyness, or his deep, calming baritone voice.

Maybe I was just being horny and stupid, and that's why I was so captivated by him. Maybe it was feeling him by me when we partially cuddled   outside on the dirt ground. Maybe it was seeing him almost naked. Maybe it was because I saw the outline of his dick when his wet boxers stuck to his skin. Maybe it was seeing him pour water over his head, then seeing him fix it carelessly with his gentle seeming fingers. Maybe it was seeing beads of water stream down his muscular body. Fuck, I dont know.

Maybe it was the mystery. He always had me on my toes, because I never knew when I'd see him again. I never knew how he felt about me, or what would happen next when I finally saw him again.

He was captivating.

"You good Chris?" Kim asked.

That was my band's guitarist- Kim Thayil. Then there was my drummer, Matt Cameron, and our Bassist, Ben Sheppard. And of course I was lead vocals. We were Soundgarden.

"What? Yea I'm good- sorry." I told Kim- knocking myself out of my thoughts.

"Alright well- were gonna head out to the bar. You wanna come?" Matt asked, as he put his drumsticks away.

"Uhm- yea. Sure." I told him.

We drove over to the bar, and started to drink.

We were all acting like fools. We got our drinks for free, cause the bartender recognized us; which I thought was badass.

Nothing new happened though. Ben was the designated driver, Kim got shitfaced, and Matt went of to flirt with girls.

Meanwhile- I was still thinking about Eddie.

I thought about how beautiful he was. How sexy he was. I felt like a 16 year old again, sneaking around with him.

But then my head went to a sadder, deeper place.

I think I wanted Eddie; but did he want me? Was he even into guys? Did he even like me simply as a friend? Am I a bad friend, or crush for not giving him a place to stay?

Was I a bad friend for not going to find him tonight, like I said I would?

Fuck- i had to go find him. I had to find Eddie.

The drinks were free, so I didn't have to pay. So I just left. Maybe it was shitty to leave my friends behind, but they had each other i guess.

I texted Ben (Since he was the only
sober one.) And told him to tell the others that I had to take care of something, and that I'd see them later.

All he said was "ok."

I headed to the diner, the one I had taken Eddie to, to see if he was there. And he wasn't. I headed to the spot he normally slept at in the woods, and to the creek we swam in that morning, and still didnt find him.

I didnt know where to look. Maybe it was the alcohol- but I wanted to cry. Something in me couldnt help but believe that he left Seattle.

I went to another bar to check for him, and he wasn't there either. I walked the streets- just searching for him.

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