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a message from a concerned friend

Climate change is a real thing and not enough people are worried about it.

It's getting hotter, and it's scientifically proven that higher temperatures are linked with a higher amount of suicides. It's getting hotter, and the icebergs are melting. That means the polar bears have nowhere to go. The reason it's getting hotter is because people are burning fossil fuels, which give off greenhouse gases, which reflect back the heat from the earth. People are dumping rubbish anywhere they can, and animals are eating it. Scientists think that there will eventually be another ice age, which will be caused by a volcano erupting. This will produce so much ash that it will form a complete layer over the earth and block the sunlight entirely. In 12 years, these changes are going to be irreversible. Everyone can help.Use less plastic. For example, you could buy a reusable coffee cup instead of always getting plastic ones. Try and reuse and recycle more. Paper shouldn't be going to a landfill. Yoghurt cartons, plastic bottles, newspapers... these can all be recycled. Reduce your amount of waste.

pr0mqu3En is part of a Green School committee at school, and is going to try and organize the rest of the committee to write a letter to the local businesses asking them to tell their employees about climate change. They're going to write a letter to their local TDs (representatives of the government) asking them about their policies. They can't ignore her committee because they can vote in a few years, and they will want their votes. They're going to get the whole school to sign these.

I'm sorry if you're annoyed that I'm tagging you, but awareness needs to be spread.

(also sorry if i tagged u twice i just wrote names and didn't double check... obviously this isn't an update but the next chap will be up soon. i just want to help spread her word.)

-congratulations -dulcibus -Circe- -nottheordinarytype -sweets -Wayfinder -HNJSNG Always_a_slytherin __emilynicole__ JOCELYN8002 abbilersparklez 31PurpleFlower13 A_Dying_Ember Annabeth-Chase98 bieberstxttoos AmeliaPotterGrace GayGryffindorQueen accio_broadway _R_M_Starlight_ candorslytherin fourtris_obsessed 412294333david lilipopwild MaxiTheMonkey byzayilmz Awkward_Humanz annabeth353 summerrules027 Thalia_Lieutenant073 a_Baum92


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