Chapter 6

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King POV

"I'm glad to see you're doing okay, I was hearing that you were a mess without me"

"I'm sorry but who are you?"

"*looks over at Dream* Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Eunsol, I'm King's ex after five years"

"Oooohhhhh, you're the headache that left? Thanks for doing that, although it hurt a bit in the beginning, he's smiled a lot more now that he's not as stressed"

"Oh really, and you are?"

"Dream, one of King's friends *smiles* who is your friend with you?"

"This is my boyfriend Lucas, interesting...King never mentioned you"

"I told him not too, I'm very protective of my friends so anyone that causes them any tiny bit of pain would have to deal with the hell I would raise and he didn't want to chance it"

"It's very nice to meet you Dream *looks her up and down*"

"*looks at Lucas* Such a charmer Lucas, too bad you have horrible taste in women *looks at Eunsol* is there an actual purpose of your presence Eunsol, as you can see we're kind of busy"

"Just thought my past should see my future, that's all"

"Well I guess you've done that *gets up* Lucas do you like chocolate *sizes him up*"

"I love it *steps closer*"

"*hugs him and whispers something in his ear before letting go* oh and here, *hands him a chocolate bar out her purse* let's be friends"

"Lucas baby let's go *glares at Dream*"

"Can I have your number so we can stay in touch beautiful *passes his phone to her*"

"Of course *puts number in phone and passes it back* Bye Lucas, bye Eunho I mean Eunsol"

After that Eunsol stormed away dragging Lucas away with her as Lucas pretty much drools continuing to watch Dream. Dream sits back down looking disgusted.

"I feel like burning my skin and my eyes"

"*chuckles* why"

"Because I hugged trash first of all. Lucas is nothing but a player that sleeps with women and tosses them away, she'll be single in less than a month *uses hand sanitizer* and no offense but if that was your ex, you dodged a huge bullet. You deserve better than her, anyone that goes out of there way to try to make someone that is already hurting from the break up feel worse should have to walk a mile across legos barefoot"

"For someone so closed off, you seem to really care about me *smiles*"

"No, I just don't like assholes"

"Well, either way, thank you. I didn't know what to say so you saved me"

"No problem"

"So if you don't mind me asking, what did you whisper to Lucas? He looked like he wanted to do things to you"

"Oh? When he said he loved chocolate I whispered to him when he's ready to try the real thing to come find me"


"To mess with Eunsol and show her that her little boyfriend will leave her quicker than she can blink"

"What about giving him your number?"

"It's a number through an app, all I have to do is block his number and delete the app"

"You're amazing"

"Now who is the one falling for someone"

"Not yet at least, no matter how horrible she is I did love her and plan to marry her one day"

"Marry her? She really does suck then"


"If she wasn't happy then she should have let you know that before you got to the point you thought yall could take things to the next level. You're not going to make me think she didn't know that you were really feeling her, she might not have known you wanted to get married but she at least knew you loved her"

"I'm glad you care about me, even if you don't want to admit it"

"Yea yea whatever"

"The moment you feel like you're being your old genuine self, you close yourself back off. I might be your weakness Dream"

"*looks at me* Or maybe you're falling for me, I'm like a siren drawing you in *smiles*"

"Maybe, I'm not afraid to admit I am intrigued by you"

"How about we work on being friends lover boy? You're emotionally unstable and I'm no one's rebound"

"You wanna be friends? *smiles*"

"Sure, lets be friends"

A/N: Finally Dream is opening up a little bit. Thanks for reading my story so far. I appreciate each and every one of you. Please vote, share, comment and add this story to your library to get updates. XOXO and until next time.

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