Chapter 13

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***trigger warning: talks of end of life, eating disorders

Dream POV

That's his wish, why would he want that? It won't be special, it will probably be horrible because I have no idea what I am doing. Besides, I should be gone before the full year is over. You see, I am not as strong as others. What people say about me and think about me matters, the fact that nothing I have ever done has been good enough hurts, and the emotional abuse is more than I can handle. I, like a lot of others, was bullied for years and I kept how I felt bottled up inside from others one cares. People are going through worse things than I am and are holding on but I am not them. I am in a way glad that I met King, he seems like the old me in a way. Bubbly and bright but when something not planned happened it turned his whole world upside down, so I made it my last wish. My last wish is to help King heal, once I accomplish that I will feel like my life isn't a total waste. As I am playing out things, King snaps me out of my thoughts.


"Huh? I'm sorry. Your graduation to kiss me? Why?"

"Because by then if you let me, it won't be because you were vulnerable and quite frankly I think I can make you fall head over heels for me to the point you won't be able to hide your feelings anymore *smiles* it will read on your face"

"You're crazy but sure, but do remember it is my first kiss so don't expect it to be anything special"

"The fact that it's you would be special enough"

"*hugs him tight* I'm gonna miss you"

"Miss me? Where are you going?"

"Only God knows...I have to go now. Thanks for brunch, I'll pay on the way out as a thank you"

As I saw the confusion I knew I had to get out of there. He seems persistent when it comes to me and this something I would rather not debate about.

King POV

I would say this brunch thing was a success if it wasn't for Dream sudden mood change at the end. I don't know what happened, we were fine and then all of a sudden she seemed out of it. I felt like she was saying goodbye forever or something and I didn't like it. Maybe I can get Prince to find out if something is wrong...wait shouldn't I just ask Hope? She has been friends with her for four years, she would know quite a bit about her. I'll find something out one way or another

Hope POV

I've been so busy being an RA, keeping up with school, and extracurriculars I haven't had time for my friends really. I feel bad for ditching King and Prince and I haven't heard from Dream since that day at the arcade. Hopefully, everything is alright. Prince called me and asked if I had any free time to hang with him and King, he already asked Dream but she was busy. I decided to make time for them and meet them at a puppy cafe. When I got there we all got situated, ordered, and then started reflecting on what we've been up to. I told them my dream of being a heart surgeon and opening up my own hospitals all over the world once I finish school. Prince told me his dream of pursuing music and working with music production. King told me he has a job offer to be a third-grade English teacher back in Korea once he graduates. I'm so happy for everyone and it seems like we all have great plans but I can't help but feel like something is distracting him.

"Is something bothering you King?"

"Yeah, you seem slightly off. Did something happen earlier when you met with Dream?"

"So someone has talked to her recently, that's good"

"Yeah, it was nice for the most part"

"The most part? What happen?"

A/N: This was getting long for me so there will be a part two to this chapter. Thanks once again for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please comment, vote, and add this story to your library. I love you all and until next time XOXO

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