Chapter 22

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King POV

I have a few pictures of her I took off guard but I never actually took pictures with her so I just showed them her Instagram. Some look shocked, some looked confused, and some looked hurt. I encourage my friends to ask any questions they have if that can make them accept and understand her more.

"Why her? Why not someone who looks like you?" Sunny asked

"She caught my attention when she bumped into me at church, extremely shy and closed off but out of respect apologized and tried to talk to me in Korean not sure if I knew English. She defended me when Eunsol brought some new guy around to try and make me jealous. Still a complete stranger but stood up to Eunsol to protect me from looking weak and broken which I was at the time"

"What's it like talking to a black girl?" Christine asked

"Just like any other human being, she's very interested in different Asian cultures, traditions, and customs but specifically Korea. So she's not too much different than me. To be honest I haven't learned what our differences are"

"Is she...adventurous as we have heard?" Rome asked

"You shouldn't listen to stereotypes but I don't know about her being adventurous. She has been through a lot, she's fragile and very closed off. She's never had her first anything so how willing she would be to try different things, I don't know"

"She's not skinny, don't you think that's a lot to handle or work with?" Kevin asked

"I'll be able to handle her just fine, but I won't get the chance if she feels my family and friends won't accept her so will yall give her a chance if and when you meet her?"

"I see nothing wrong with interracial relationships, I might be a better fit for her though *smiles*" Rome said

"Rome, look at her too long and we will have a problem"

"Interracial relationships are fine with me, good luck man. I'll help Rome calm his hormones" Kevin said

"As long as you're happy, I am supportive of it" Christine said

"If she hurt you, she'll have to answer to me" Sunny stated

"Thanks everyone"

"What's her Instagram again?" Rome asked

"*shakes my head* well if you all excuse me I got to talk to my parents. They'll either come around or they will disown me but Dream is worth it to me. By trying to save her she saved me"

So on that note, I leave and call my parents letting them know I am coming by to talk to them. I am a wide ray of emotions, I love them very much but I really care and need Dream in my life. I hope we can just all work something out.

~At his parent's house~

"What do you want to talk about son?"

"I want Dream to be a part of my life, but she won't give us a chance if you two don't approve of her. I love you both but I am falling for her as well. She has defended me when Eunsol wanted to ruin me. She brought me out of my heartbreak and sadness. She's the reason I am able to easily get up every morning for work and have a genuine smile. Please do not make me have to choose."

"If you care about her then that's all that matters" Dad said

"*looks at mom*"

"I just want the best for you and she's not what I expected when I meant the best...but, I will give her a chance for you"

"Thank you, that's all I asked"

"When did you feel like she was worth it?"

"When I thought I had lost her and realized I feel off without her. Even now I wish I could call her and just hear her voice but our time zones are so different and we're both so busy it's been hard"

"Do you know how she feel son? I don't want you to put your all into someone who might not feel the same back" dad said

"She has a hard time expressing herself verbally and has been hurt a lot in many ways, but her actions show she really cares about me"

So they asked me all about her and how we met. We talked about how I knew I had feelings for her and if I could see myself later marrying her. They seem to be coming around and I'm happy about it, I can't wait until this year is over and I can finally declare her as mine.

A/N: There is one more chapter after this and maybe an epilogue. I want to say thank you for each and every reader whether you read the whole story or if you left. I thank you for your comments/feedback and every vote I got. I appreciate the support and hope you read my other stories. Until next time, XOXO

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