Chapter 1

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Dream POV

It's raining and lightening hard with thunder but it's cool and I am comfortable laying down in this tree house. Today was the same as every other day, I was her shadow. That's the only time I am noticed but it's more than what I was getting so I suppose I should be grateful. I can't be mad because this isn't her doing and she already feels horrible for me feeling this way. She wants me to continue going to church but what's the point of being in a room full of people and you still feel alone? Anywho I promised to continue going to church with her because I am in search of something deeper, a meaning to life, what makes me happy, or just something to fill the void I feel. I want to find the strength to live but now I feel like the walking dead...I just want to save my soul at this point since that is all I am. A lost soul.

King POV

Why God? Why me? I have done everything that you have asked me and you go on and do this? What have I done wrong? I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't curse, and yet you flip my world upside down?!?!? And on top of that, you had to have it happen on our 5th anniversary. I have invested so much time and effort into this relationship and you just crumbled it and turned it into ashes. I always made you my priority and everyone came second so why hurt me? We were supposed to get married this summer, you couldn't have had her do this 4 years ago? I am almost 30, I should be married with kids by now but no, you're playing with my heart and emotions. Where do I go from here? What was the point of ruining everything? You wanted my attention but you always had me why this was necessary God, please...

Hope POV

*sigh* I feel bad for the fact that Dream feels like my shadow, she's not. A lot of people love and care about her but instead of telling her that they will tell me when she's not around. She tries to hide how she's feeling and just avoid problems but that's not healthy. That's why I have started having her go to church with me, to see if that helps and who knows, she might find someone there. So I am having lunch with her and I am trying to get her to come to church with me this Sunday but she is being stubborn.

"Dream, you should come to church with me this Sunday"


"It'll be good for you, it might help"

"I really do-"

"They have great food there and you can dress however you want"

" *sigh* how are we getting there?"

"Church van"

"Fine, I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

"Great *smiles*"

Prince POV

King is a complete mess and I don't know how to help him. What his fiance'...well ex-fiance' did was messed up. Why would you dump who you supposedly love the day of your anniversary before yall get married and have no remorse what so ever? She gave no warning, showed no sign of unhappiness, or anything. He is the last person who deserved this and if I don't help him he will spiral out of control.

"Hey man, we should go to church tomorrow"

"No thanks"

"C'mon, I know it hurts and I am sorry but I think you need God more than anything right now"

"God is the one who did this"

"He could have saved you from making a huge mistake by having you not get married to her"

"He could have done that earlier"

"He's always on time, King...your faith is just as strong if not stronger than mine. Why are you being like this?"

"Because I'm being punished and I don't know why"

"Just go to church with me please"

"Fine, we'll go tomorrow but we're going to my church"

"Fair enough"

Dream/King POV

So I finish watching tv, take a shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed. I guess I am going to church tomorrow, I don't know what for but I probably should be positive about this. So I kneel before I pray and go to sleep:

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord, my soul, to keep

May angels watch me through the night

And wake me with the morning light

A/N: So I kind of based this story off of someone I met, so it will hopefully seem more realistic instead of cliche. Thanks for reading this story, like every story it takes time for it to get interesting so I hope you'll stay with me on this journey. Please add to your library, comment, and vote. Until next time XOXO

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