1. Fair Game

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Today, the woods were peaceful.

The birds were chirping, the butterflies were roaming free and the sun was shining bright. All seemed well in this forest, except for one factor. Young princess (Y/N), parading around like a delinquent. Her golden crown laid crooked on her head as she fumbled about, balancing on fallen logs and dancing around. She was indeed a princess, but she didn't act or look the part. The girl had never been monitored, she wasn't next in line, so all she got to do was fool around on days like these. Little did she know, the blonde boy stalking her in the woods would change her life


I chuckled as I hopped up on another fallen tree trunk, attempting to balance as I walked across it. My arms were spread out, a wide smile on my face as I tried to make it to the edge. Inevitably, my clumsy self tripped over my feet and I came tumbling to the grassy terrain below. I laughed loudly, clutching my stomach lazily as I laid back on the plush forest floor. 

I sighed blissfully, looking at the flowers that laid next to me with a tranquil smile.

My whole calm demeanor vanished once I heard eery rustling coming from the trees. I shot up to a seated position, shooting my focus to the bushes. "Hello!?" I shouted, narrowing my eyes as I cautiously stood up. I attempted to adjust my crown as I walked forward, feeling the nervousness in my clammy palms. 

Slowly, I took a step towards the source of the noise. Surely, it could've just been a rabbit or bird. But my mind was running wild...it could also be anything else, like a monster that wanted to eat my insides! 

I didn't even realize a person was behind me until they slapped their hand over my mouth. I immediately screamed, attempting to thrash about before my hands were restrained behind my back. I continued to screech into the person's palm as my wrists were tied... Who was this? What did they want!?

My thoughts were brought to a halt as I was shoved to the ground harshly. I groaned in pain, trying to get up before a weight was put on the the back of my skull. Someone's foot. All I could see was this person, which I could now tell was a man, pick up a rock near my head. I panicked, letting out one last scream before a vignette of dark shrouded my eyesight. 


All I could see was darkness.

"Holy shit...I died," I spoke out loud. After a second of thought, I realized I most likely wasn't dead from the stinging pain on the top of my head and the soreness that enveloped my arms. I tried to move my arms, but the act was futile, I was still restrained. 

Suddenly, I heard an aggravated groan and footsteps approaching me. I tensed up as my blindfold was harshly tugged off of my face. My eyes closed immediately, the harsh light burning through them like a flame. Slowly but surely, I blinked them back open. I moved my focus to the person in front of me.

It was a man, a strong build, ash blonde spikey hair, scary crimson eyes. I had never met this man in my life, let alone seen him. After a second, I cleared my throat. "So...did you kidnap me for a reason or can I go home?...dinner is probably soon" I asked nonchalantly. Leave it to me to make serious situations much less serious. 

There was no response from the blonde. He just took a fistful on my hair and tugged it forward, bringing my head with it. I felt his fingertips brush up against the pulsing pain at the back of my head, but the hair pulling only made it worse. He shoved me back after his analysis and went over to the workbench. There was shelves above it, cluttered with bottles that were filled with various liquids and other miscellaneous things. 

LOVE BITES- Katsuki Bakugo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now