5. The Dragon Festival (NSFW)

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-this is the design I have in mind for the village!!-

-also NSFW warning!-

"Katsuki, this is too fancy,"

I let the words slip out of my mouth at the sight of the enormous carriage in front of us. Today was the day of the Dragon festival, meaning that it was my first introduction to the village and with that, I got to wear a traditional outfit from the kingdom.

It was nothing like I had worn before. It was much like what Mitsuki wore when I met her. My shirt was...revealing to say the least. The sleeves went to right above my elbows, a pretty pattern cutting them off. The shirt was an off white, ending right below my breasts. It barely covered them, anyway. It tightly strapped my chest together with the corset-like ties in the front, letting a good amount of my body show.

Apparently, this was how the people of the village dressed.

Two large belts hung low on my waist, paired with baggy black jeans and white boots. There was a myriad of bandages, scratches, and decals surrounding the clothes. I had knee pads like Katsuki's, same with elbow pads. I was unsure of their usage, but I didn't mind it. My favorite part was the necklace, it matched one of Katsuki's, the pretty teal color of the fang-shaped beads could just make me smile looking at them.

Katsuki was in his normal king attire. The classic no shirt, red cape, and badass accessories type of outfit. I looked over to said blonde, smiling at the new addition to his outfit. The golden crown that twinkled in the sunlight. We were currently positioned behind the castle's gate that led to the city off of the ginormous hill it was located on. We were behind just about fifty something other caravans and carriages...it was like a parade. 

Kirishima would be in one too, one of the first ones, actually. He would be with his wife and kids, who I was dying to meet. 

"This is nothing," Katsuki responded, looking over to me. I just shook my head, looking back to the red and white massive carriage. My heart skipped a beat as Katsuki took a step next to me, his crimson eyes analyzing my face. I looked back up, a wide smile on my features. "Did I tell you how much I love this on you?" he asked, his fingers ghosting up my sides, causing goosebumps to raise on my arms. I just shook my head, a bit speechless at his actions.

My arms swung up to wrap around his neck once he leaned down, giving me a passionate kiss.

I giggled at how my body bent into his due to his strong arm finding the middle of my back and roughly tugging me into him. 

"Um...King Katsuki?" A shaking voice sounded out as my boyfriend and I quickly separated. My hands went to adjust my  extremely small top as Katsuki wiped his mouth, both our faces a bit red. I laughed dryly as the blonde whipped his head around, the cowering butler outstretching his hands to give Griffin to me. "Oh, thank you!" I responded, taking griffin in my hands and hugging the dragon close to my chest. Katsuki was angry we were interrupted, but before he could start yelling, I dismissed the boy.

Griffin was much bigger now, much heavier, too. It had been about a month since I got him, and he was already the size of a full grown husky. I could barely hold him, having to move and place him in the carriage as my arms grew tired. I ran my finger down his side, smiling at him moving further into my hand.

Katsuki groaned, "Time to get on, princess," He teased, sending a firm smack on my ass that made me yelp. I turned with a red face, with the three and a half months I had been here Katsuki was a lot more physical recently. Sure, we still hadn't gone far in bed, but it was still a lot of physical attention from the blond.

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