7. Cthulhu

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~Thats what I sort of magine for the castle!~


A soft breeze ran through the well trimmed grass of the castles garden. 

It tangled my hair with how hard it was, a soft giggle leaving my lips as I stared at Griffin. He was about knee height, maybe even taller. The small dragon was extremely energetic, pouncing around like a young deer or a rambunctious puppy.

I sat on the grass, the blades scratching at my legs and fingers. Sadly, my one pair of pants was in the wash, so I was back to the classic dresses Katsuki always made me wear.

He had already been off to bed, he came to say goodnight to me about fifteen minutes prior. I found it funny, honestly, the sun wasn't even near setting. He was exhausted from his actual work he did today, though.

Today marked month six of staying here with Katsuki. We had a routine nearly everyday, even if we had a different task. It was insane he still could stand me after being with me every single day for the past six months pretty much. 

I shook my head at the memory, fixating my eyes back on where I saw Griffin last. Except, he wasn't there. My curious gaze swept the area, not feeling agreed since he was most likely nearby.

That was the thing, though, I couldn't see him anywhere. I had taken my eyes off him for three seconds and he disappeared.

I shook my head, groaning as I stood up. I cupped my hands over the sides of my mouth, eyes darting around. "Griff!" I shouted, walking around in search for him. With my heart racing at the sudden thought, I shot my eyes towards the edge of the garden.

It was essentially a cliff, and I'd always have to keep Griffin away from it. It was a steep drop, one Katsuki and I were used to jumping from to ride Dragons...well he would jump, I'd be in his arms.

And there was Griffin, curiously looking over the edge. I immediately ran forward, seeing as his claw was half off the ledge as his body leant forward in curiosity. "Griffin!" I shouted in fear, but it was futile. He was entranced by whatever he was staring at. Then, his front foot slipped. I was right behind him, my arms reaching out as his front two legs dangled from the edge. He was heavy I had to basically chuck him the other way with all my own weight, putting my feet off balance.

"Shit!" I shouted, realizing that now I was the only way too close to the edge. Griffin landed a few feet behind me as I plummeted off the cliff. My stomach flipped about, hair whipping around even before I slammed into the slightly slanted rock wall of the cliff. I felt it tear and scratch at my arms as I flipped about, pain rattling through every single one of my bones as I started to gain speed.

My hands flew about, just trying to grip absolutely anything to save me from dying. My panic breathed only made it worse as I inhaled the dust, breaking into a coughing fit as I dragged against the slope of the mountain.

Then, just as it started to plateau, I was thrown off some kind of earth-made dip, flinging myself into the ground.

The last thing I remembered was the horrible sound. It was like a crunch, but none of my bones felt broken. Now that I recall, I couldn't feel absolutely anything in my body. My vision was shrouded in black, my brain fuzzy before I drifted off somewhere either mentally or physically.

LOVE BITES- Katsuki Bakugo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now