3. His, and his only

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⚠️ Smut warning!! 


"Hey! Sir-Kirishima!! Wait up!!" 

I shouted, nearly falling down the stairs as my feet quickly trailed behind the tall male. His red hair didn't move as he whipped his head around, confused on what I needed. It took him a moment to process that is was me, the soon to be queen, rushing down the hall to talk to him.

His pointy teeth morphed to a smile as he stood tall, now walking slowly to meet me halfway down the large hallway. "Hey princess! Finding it easy to adjust here yet?" He asked, pushing up his sleeves with a smile. I nodded...I had been here for a few days now, spending my days chatting with Katsuki and exploring around. Still, Katsuki caught me every time I tried to sneak out to see the town and would drag me back to another room.

I had gotten lost in thought in front of Kirishima, prompting him to ask yet another question. "Well...what did ya need?"

I nearly forgot I was supposed to ask him a question. A bashful smile painted my expression as I nodded shyly. "Ah- I was just gonna ask if you've seen Kat- Bakugou at all today?" I asked. It was midday by now, and I hadn't seen a single sight of him. I checked everywhere but his bedroom, which he could have very well been in. But, I didn't want to go in there without some kind of permission...

"Bakugou? Nah...now that I think of it, I haven't seen him for a while," He muttered. Nervously, I bit my cheek and explained to him everywhere I looked. As I recalled every single location, Kirishima grew more and more confused. "Damn...Well, I can check his room if you'd like. You can come with me," He politely offered.

Relief flooded through me as I eagerly nodded. Sir Kirishima led me back up the stairs, making small talk with me. He talked about his wife, again, and his two kids. They sounded adorable as he chatted about his morning routine- waking up to the missus cooking breakfast as his two kids pounced on his bed to wake him up before they went to their school. It was all too cute to handle, it was really anyones dream.

"Thats sounds amazing," I gushed as I fiddled with my belt. He was so passionate about it all, talking about his Homelife and such. "Well, you gonna have kids? With Bakugou, I mean," He asked suddenly as we walked down another grand hall. I nearly stopped in my tracks, my face growing red at the sudden thought. "I-... What you're talking about is such a dream. But, Katsuki doesn't seem like the children type. I mean, I'd love to have children, but it's always up to him. Plus, we have a long time before Katsuki and I even become intimate," I  tried my best to explain the situation. Me and Katsuki haven't even kissed yet, I was his goddamn partner and we haven't kissed. I mean, on my first. day he gave me a kiss on the forehead, but that was all. Sure, he's seen me naked when he bathed me and all,  but he didn't make any advances at all...it just felt natural.

"You kidding!? Bakugou talked about having kids with you since the moment he went to some gala at your kingdom. He said something like, 'Thats her. She's gonna be my wife, and we're gonna be the best damn family there ever was,' or something like that," Kirishima chuckled, before stopping dead in his tracks and slapping a hand over his mouth. "I wasn't supposed to say that....especially to you," he murmured. 

My face burned red...god, Katsuki really was the one for me.

I made a zipper motion over my mouth, insinuating I wouldn't tell anyone. He chuckled before gesturing to the door in front of us, putting on a smile. I then realized this was Katsuki's Bedroom...it had grand doors that would probably lead into a beyond massive bedroom. Quickly, he took the handle in his large hand, knocking twice before opening it a little bit. He peered in, "Bakugou? Buddy? Your wife- er...(Y/N) is looking for you," He asked into the seemingly empty space. 

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