17 | The Missing of the Fastest Man Alive's Absense

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this chapter is dedicated to Alexmalltal
hello honey! thank you for literally
spamming 'in a heartbeat' with votes!
how are you doing?
love you! & have a nice day! ♥︎


❝ What do you mean? Is it his off–day? ❞

❝ It is, Mr. Fernandez. Dr. Wayne and Nurse Allen's off–days are of the same date. For the day, I will be assigned to you and our new nurse, Nurse Malia. ❞ Dr. Mikhail elaborated. The new nurse nodded next to him with a calm smile, already walking towards his IV stand to check and jot down notes.

And for that day, Brad didn't know what it was.

But he knew he missed him entirely.

Walking down the city's side walk with coffee cups on their hands, Barry and Aphrodite talked and wasted the day away

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Walking down the city's side walk with coffee cups on their hands, Barry and Aphrodite talked and wasted the day away. Casually entering different boutiques, book stores, and food shops, they were sure that nothing worse could of happened for the day.

Once out from the coffee shop that they decided to drop by and eat, they decided to walk toward's the Central City's public park. Their talks varied from Aphrodite's past and brother, to why Barry wanted to be a Nurse and then to Brad. To which Barry found exciting yet a saddening topic.

❝ Oh I just. . Don't know, Ma'am. He is the Fire Chief of Central City's Fire Department, and he's a . . He's a guy. I'm a guy. What if he doesn't like me back? . . ❞ Barry exhaled. Aphrodite, on the other hand, was sure that Brad felt something. Why else would he be dropping corny pick–up lines and jokes if it was for nothing? He can't be that cruel to use Barry as his entertainment.

Aphrodite reached over,  ❝ Oh come on, Barry— ❞

Beep after beeps from Aphrodite's phone had her looking down to reach it from her pocket, her sentence long forgotten only to see her own built programme blaring as an alert. Clenching her jaw, she looked up from where she stood and sure enough– there he was.

Her brother, the program that alerted her of.

Barry stopped on his tracks, following the Doctor's gaze only to bite the inside of his cheek realizing that Bruce Wayne is with them. He was more godly–looking in real life, his striking blue eyes could penetrate through anything and Barry felt himself wither under his intense gaze.

But he withered most when he saw who was beside him. . Brad's ex.

With a raised brow, the two waited for the couple to arrive in front of them. Completely infuriated, they cursed for making their day so good. Now they have to suffer the worse part,  ❝ Oh hello, honey! It's you again! ❞

With an unfazed look, Aphrodite turned to look at her.  ❝ Hello, having fun being toyed with? It must be devastating– Sadly, I wouldn't apologize in your behalf. ❞ With that, the Doctor turned the other way as Barry followed suit— Aphrodite's gaze was set ahead when a hand reached up to her wrist, pulling her back. In this, Barry abruptly stopped to see the commotion.

But a loud smack echoed through.

Aphrodite stood motionless, the hand she slapped Roxanne with was on her sides by seconds. Poor girlfriend of Bruce's was holding her reddening cheek, her blue eyes bewildered as Aphrodite took a step forward. Face expressionless,  ❝ Women like you destroys the real image of a Wayne. Get yourself some self–dignity, education, and self–worth. Maybe put some nice attitude too then maybe you'll just be fine. ❞

Aphrodite turned to her brother,  ❝ And you? You disgust the rest of your ancestors. If it weren't for mom and dad to raise you, I would have asked who did that they let you grow with full scholarship to Asshole-ry. I'm making this clear, Bruce Wayne, if you don't fix your attitude and your womanizing bullshit– the next thing you'll know– you'll be the only Wayne left breathing on this Earth. ❞

With that, the Nurse and Doctor left.

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